1、It's all very well for skaters toforswear risky behavior when performing in front of a beautiful onlooker, but humans struggle to put promises like these into practice.(当然,滑板者发誓在漂亮女性观众面前表演时不做一些高危险的行为这是很好的,但是人们难以将类似于这样的承诺付诸实践。)
2、MOST British prime ministers end up trying to cut a dash on the world stage, even if at the outset theyforswear such vanities.(大多数英国首相最终总是想要在国际舞台上大出风头,尽管最初上台时他们都发誓说绝不如此。)
3、Or being compelled by poverty, I should steal, andforswear the name of my God.(或是过于贫乏,因而行窃,加辱我天主的名。)
4、Any stable strategic system in Asia must take account of the fact that Japan cannot and should not be expected toforswear forever the strategic rights and responsibilities of nationhood.(亚洲地区任何稳定的战略体系都必须考虑一个事实,就是不可能也不应该要求日本永远放弃作为一个国家应有的战略权利和责任。)
5、Most of us have no desire toforswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basic home economics.(大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像NoImpactMan(一个blog)但我们都有基本家政学的激励。)
6、The group couldforswear AD hoc, opaque decrees applied retroactively.(该组织可能放弃一些会溯及既往的、临时的、不透明的决定。)
7、Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt notforswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths.(你们又听见有吩咐古人的话,说,不可背誓,所起的誓,总要向主谨守。)
8、I have sworn to obey the laws, and I cannotforswear myself.(我已宣誓服从法律,我不能作伪证。)
9、Should weforswear this nonsense and simply pay for what we've ordered, or would we be missing out on an important element of sharing a meal?(我们是否应该舍弃这一荒唐念头,各付各的,还是我们将错过聚餐中一个重要的因素?) (hao86.com好工具)
10、And in his pride he shall awake, andforswear his dream of pain.(骄傲的君王,他必将觉醒,誓言弃绝痛苦的梦境。)
11、Some priests have toforswear marriage.(有些祭司必须宣誓放弃婚姻。)