6、I'm not in a position toquery their decision.(我无权怀疑他们的决定。)
7、For the purposes of this article, you need toquery all the books, both fiction and nonfiction.(出于本文的目的,您需要查询所有的书籍,包括虚构类和非虚构类。)
8、After the receptionist gathers room-query data, the next step is always to check the availability of the required type of room.(在接待员收集到客房查询信息后,下一步往往是检查所需类型的房间是否可入住。)
9、Give thequery a name.(为查询指定一个名称。)
10、query plans will probably change.(查询计划可能会更改。)
11、If you have aquery about your insurance policy, contact our helpline.(若对保险单有疑问,请拨打我们的咨询热线。)
12、Thequery name uniquely identifies thequery.(查询名称惟一地标识查询。)
13、query options There are few ways toquery an archived mail.(查询选项只有很少的方法用于查询存档的邮件。)
14、Next comes the actualquery.(接下来是实际的查询。)
15、I hope this answers yourquery.(我希望这能解决你的疑问。)
16、Thisquery is a string.(该查询是一个字符串。)
17、How to write thisquery?(怎么写这个疑问?)
18、Thequery is locked by anotherquery.(该查询被另一个查询锁定了。)
19、What is aquery?(什么是查询?)
20、Define aquery.(定义查询。)
21、Put aquery against Jack's name—I'm not sure if he's coming.(在杰克的名字旁边打个问号—他来不来我不清楚。)
22、It's got a number you can call toquery your bill.(你可以拨打一个号码,对账单提出质疑。)
23、While a thread is running, either uploading or downloading, you canquery it to check on its status to provide the user with feedback (e.g. a progress bar).(当一个线程在运行的时候,不管是上传还是下载,你可以查询进程状态并且给用户一个反馈(例如一个进度条)。)
24、The user can target eachquery to be executed to a subset of slices.(用户可以将要执行的每个查询定位到片的一个子集。)
25、May Iquery for some answers?(我可以问几个问题吗?)
26、This approach not only lets anyone download the raw data, but also enables them toquery it for whatever they have in mind.(这种方法不仅允许任何人下载原始数据,而且还允许他们查询任何他们想要的数据。) 【好工具hao86.com】
27、You mustquery the buttons directly to get relevant information.(您必须直接查询按钮以获取相关信息。)
28、Run thequery.(运行查询。)
29、Enter your searchquery in the searchquery box.(在搜索查询框中输入搜索查询。)
30、query the partition for all employees.(查询分区上的所有员工。)