
spring up造句

spring up造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 12:26:35


spring up造句

  • 1、When more and more channelsspring up, there may be some programs with poor quality.(越来越多的频道涌现出来了,可能会有一些节目的质量很差。)
  • 2、SPIEGEL: Evenso, problems usuallyspring up in many relationships.(明镜:尽管如此,问题还是经常在各种关系中出现。)
  • 3、A new plant willspring up wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water, or sunlight.(当种子落在合适的土壤表面时,一株新的植物就会在那里生长,但由于它们体型不大,它们无法与其他植物竞争空间、水分或阳光。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、New online models willspring up as papers retreat.(随着报纸的退却,新的在线模式将迅速涌现。)
  • 5、Then Israel sang this song,spring up, O well; sing ye unto it(当时,以色列人唱歌说,井阿,涌上水来。你们要向这井歌唱。)
  • 6、Over time, I hope more translation communitiesspring up to solve this language problem on the Web.(随着时间推移,我希望诞生更多的翻译社区来解决网络上的这个语言问题。)
  • 7、Theyspring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color.(当雨后地表还潮湿时它们就迅速发芽,然后在一个短时间里,给沙漠铺上绿色地毯。)
  • 8、It enables you to take a balanced approach to life by dealing with the constant negative thoughts whichspring up.(使你通过处理持续产生的负面想法而采取平衡的生活方式。)
  • 9、That allows all sorts of relationships between artists and business owners, venues and sponsors tospring up.(这种方式允许艺术家、企业主以及场馆和赞助商等各要素自由组合,建立丰富多样的合作关系。)
  • 10、Like, if you need to have him pick up the laundry on the way back from office, he might "suddenly" have a very important meetingspring up.(例如,你如果要他在下班回家的途中去洗衣店取回洗完的衣服,这时候他会突然告诉你他临时有一个非常重要的会议。)
  • 11、Social networksspring up around and between members, who comment on each other’s outfits, add people as friends, etc.(用户间彼此评论其他人的服装搭配,或添加趣味相投的好友,社会网络就这样在用户间扩展开来。)
  • 12、By doing so, the industry will create conditions conducive for more shoots tospring up and thrive.(这么做,行业能够创造更多的有利条件,令更多的嫩芽破土而出,蓬勃生长。)
  • 13、If I can prove this is a viable business model, I hope copycatsspring up everywhere.(如果我能证明这是可行的商业模式,那么我希望模仿我的人如雨后春笋般涌现。)
  • 14、But even as some obstacles are removed, new onesspring up.(但即使有些障碍已经被扫清,新的障碍还会涌现。)
  • 15、If decent lodging is not built fast enough, slums mayspring up instead.(假如合适的寓所建的不够快的话,相反,贫民窟可能涌现。)
  • 16、Even if the Pirate Bay were put out of business another similar service would be sure tospring up in its place (indeed, others do exist).(即使海盗湾被关,另外一类似网站很快将替代其位置(这样的网站确实存在)。)
  • 17、Only when the stone is removed can itspring up freely into the light.(只有推开了石头,植物才能自由地、蓬勃地在阳光下生长。)
  • 18、A virtual Bitcoin bank mightspring up but that would create problems of its own.(一个虚拟的比特币银行或许会出现,但是将会产生它自己的问题。)
  • 19、Buildings in Shanghai continue tospring up without loft insulation or double glazing.(在上海,没有顶楼隔热或双层玻璃的建筑不断涌现。)
  • 20、They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, twospring up.(他们没有Iolaus这样的朋友帮他们用滚烫的烙铁把九头蛇怪的脑袋斩草除根,于是刚打碎一个脑袋,又长出来两个。)
  • 21、A.K.A., they allow code to be written quickly and compactly, which is fine for many situational applications thatspring up.(也就是说,PHP让你快速简洁地编写代码,这对于许多应景而生的应用是合适的。)
  • 22、This child lived, in this absence of affection, like the pale plants whichspring up in cellars.(那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中,有如地窖中萎黄的草。)
  • 23、And if you hurt yourself, billions more cellsspring up to repair broken blood vessels and make new skin, muscle or even bone.(一旦受伤,超过十亿数量的细胞就会冒出来,修复受损的血管,生成新的皮肤、肌肉乃至骨骼。)
  • 24、The northwest wind willspring up this evening.(今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。)
  • 25、What dust-clouds shallspring up behind me as I speed on my reckless way!(我在疾驰赶路,横冲直撞的时候,身后会扬起多少尘雾啊!)
  • 26、It seemed tospring up over night.(它似乎是在一夜之间冒出来的。)
  • 27、But to make the most of it, the world needs more refineries of a certain design, and those do notspring up overnight.(然而要充分利用它,就需要更多经特殊设计的炼油厂,这显然不可能一蹴而就。)
  • 28、Then companiesspring up and use the software as the basis for profit.(然后公司跳出来,用这些软件作为盈利的基础。)
  • 29、Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever theyspring up.(无论保护主义和排外主义何时出现都应当与之斗争。)

spring up基本释义

spring up

英 [spriŋ ʌp] 美 [sprɪŋ ʌp] 
跳起; 发生; 萌芽; 出现