1、But this time they are full oftrepidation, not margaritas.(但这次陪伴他们的不是玛格丽塔美酒,而是满腹忧愁。)
2、I wondered what he meant, for when I ski it is always withtrepidation.(我弄不懂他的意思,因为我滑雪时,总是胆战心惊的。)
3、I awaited the result of the football match withtrepidation.(我忐忑不安地等着足球赛的结果。)
4、This year, just after the water level was raised to its maximum, I returned, with sometrepidation about what I would find.(今年水位刚过最高峰,我回来了,还有所看到的产生的些许惊恐。)
5、It was with sometrepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda.(想到要骑自行车穿越乌干达,我感到有点惊恐不安。) hAo86.com
6、The Bank of England shares the widespread doubt andtrepidation about its prospects.(英格兰银行对经济前景同样也疑虑不安。)
7、The medical community is watching such Patient 2.0 endeavors with a mix of admiration andtrepidation.(医学界正在对掺杂着让人赞赏与忧虑的“病人2.0”理念抱持观望态度。)
8、It has indeed opened a Pandora's box before which we stand with muchtrepidation.(这个公式确实打开了潘多拉的盒子,使我们在这个盒子的前面惊慌发抖。)
9、As Katherine hung up, she felt an unexpected twinge oftrepidation.(凯瑟琳挂了电话,她有一种突如其来的惶恐不安的感觉。)
10、But this is a delicate time, full of hope andtrepidation in equal measure.(但这也是一个微妙的时期,希望与不安同在。)
11、In December 45% of Germans were confident about the coming year and only 11% felttrepidation, says one survey.(12月份的一份调查显示,45%的德国人对来年经济抱有信心,只有11%感到担忧。)
12、A hint oftrepidation shows on Hale's face.(一丝惊恐闪过Hale的脸上。)
13、I approached this project with greattrepidation.(我诚惶诚恐地着手这个项目。)
14、With a littletrepidation, Peter said he was ready for the question.(带着一点惊恐,Peter说他已经准备好回答问题了.)
15、The foreign deployment now under way in the south seems to support this, even if it has the air oftrepidation about it.(在南部地区正在进行的外军部署似乎也在支持这个说法,虽然空气中仍然弥漫中紧张的气氛。)
16、Buttrepidation of the spheres.(但是来自空间天体的异动。)
17、The thought that what they stand for is no longer appropriate throws them deeper intotrepidation and despair.(这代表了他们不久之后他们不再是主人时的心中被的投深入惶恐的心情和绝望。)
18、The reasons for suchtrepidation were plain enough.(存在这些担忧的原因是显而易见的。)
19、"In the past couple of days there was high anxiety andtrepidation," Madigan said.(麦迪根说,“在过去几天里,人们焦虑和不安的情绪非常严重。”)
20、When I face a closed door I will say them and knock while the failure waits outside with fear andtrepidation.(面对紧闭的大门,失败者怀着恐惧与惶惑的心情,在门外等候;我默诵着句话,随即上前敲门。)
21、A great deal of subtle change is underway, provoking much upheaval andtrepidation in the ranks of the cabal.(大量难以捉摸的变化正进行中,黑暗势力的爪牙挑起许多动乱与紧张。)
22、But at least one reader, Palin's former running mate, John McCain, will be waiting more withtrepidation than excitement.(但至少有一个读者——佩林的前竞选伙伴,约翰·麦凯恩——在等待本书期间将会惴惴不安而不是激动不已。)
23、I thought Carol would be nervous when she made her speech, but she delivered it withouttrepidation.(我本以为卡罗尔发表演说时会紧张,但她讲话时却也不害怕。)
24、You would not encounter any circumstance withtrepidation.(不会再以惶恐面对任何情况。)
25、trepidation is usually caused by inferiority complex.(恐慌感总是由自卑造成的。)