1、And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern andjudicious at the same time.(弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。)
2、Incidentally,judicious use of the rm command can stop the saved data environment from growing unboundedly (remove is a synonym for rm ).(顺便说一句,rm命令的灵活运用可以停止无限制地保存数据环境(remove等同于rm)。)
3、Ajudicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves.(明智的父母会让孩子在许多事情上自己做决定。)
4、Even the IMF now favoursjudicious limits on capital surges, if nothing else works.(就连国际货币基金组织现在也赞同,如果其他任何手段都没有效果,就要对资本激增采取明智的限制。)
5、The president authorizes thejudicious use of military force to protect our citizens.(总统授权明智动用军队来保护我们的公民。)
6、Theirjudicious use allows you to narrow your focus quickly to aspects of your design that hide in the swamp of your project's code.(适当地使用它们可以快速地收缩关注的范围,有助于找到项目代码中隐藏的设计。)
7、Instead of expressing everything you feel today, bejudicious about what you say.(今天,比起你想表达的一切,倒不如更小心你所说的话。)
8、Events themselves are impersonal, thoughjudicious people certainly can and should respond to them in beneficial ways.(事件都是无关个人的,然而明智的人却能够也应该以有益的方式来响应事件。)
9、However, with somejudicious changing, you can have a project that marries the best of both plans and achieves greater results.(然而,作为明智的改变,你可以在项目中结合使用这两种方法的精华,这样就可以获得更好的结果。)
10、Experts who want to soundjudicious are fond of warning against generalizing.(试图表现明智的专家热衷于反对不要一概而论。)
11、Some claimjudicious code commenting is a good thing, while others claim it only serves as a mechanism to explain overly complex code.(一些人声称公正的代码注释是好事情,而另一些人声称代码注释只是解释过于复杂的代码的一种机制。)
12、Pundits who want to soundjudicious are fond of warning against generalizing.(那些想让自己听起来明智的专家喜欢警告不要一概而论。)
13、It is curable withjudicious use of antibiotics.(明智地使用了抗生素才治愈。)
14、McCarron said ConAgra's lower estimate stemmed from its morejudicious use of hypertension data.(麦卡伦说,ConAgra的较低估计是由于其对高血压数据的更明智使用。)
15、A morejudicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.(一个比较明智的手段应该是首先按照自顶向下来做,接下来进行目标服务建模,最后是自底向上的现有资产的遗留分析。)
16、So, thejudicious way of utilizing memory is to lower the value of lgpg_regions from 256 to a value of, say, 100.(因此,应该把lgpg_regions的值从256降低到100。)
17、In Washington, some portray the latest deal as ajudicious compromise.(而在华盛顿,一些人把最近这次“交易”称之为明智的妥协之举。)
18、To my joy, he left us, after giving thisjudicious counsel, and Hindley stretched himself on the hearthstone.(他绘了这个得体的劝告之后,就离开我们,这使我很开心;而辛德雷直挺挺地躺在炉边。)
19、On the design front, it has been challenging to find the right balance between simplicity andjudicious use of visual effects.(在开始设计的时候,在简洁和恰如其分地使用视觉效果之间作出正确的平衡是个巨大的挑战。)
20、So bejudicious if the publications have to be retained publications or not.(因此,要明智地确定发布是否必须为保留发布。)
21、Apparently, to truly profit from the lessons of Mother Nature, we must bejudicious, not slavish, in applying analogies.(显然,想要从大自然母亲给我们的展示里真正获益,我们必须要有判断力的而不是盲目地进行类比。)
22、This kind of bug can happen easily, but it's a lot less likely to happen at eBay because of itsjudicious use of FindBugs.(这类bug很容易出现,但是eBay则很少遇到这个问题,因为eBay明智地使用了FindBugs。)
23、As you can see, the SwingBuilder'sjudicious use of closures allows you to see the chain of ownership clearly and declaratively in code.(可以看到SwingBuilder使用了闭包,这让我们可以清晰地看出拥有关系链。)
24、Anyhow, you can always redistribute the down with a littlejudicious' patting '.(无论如何,您可以随时重新分配的向下一个小明智的'拍'。)
25、judicious use of variables can help simplify them.(明智地使用变量可以帮助简化。) 【好工具hao86.com】