
更新时间:2025-01-05 12:25:35



  • 1、While there is much said injest here, there's also much said in truth.(尽管我在这里开了不少的玩笑,不过还是要讲一讲更多的事实真相。)
  • 2、Would Ijest about such a thing?(这种事我会说着玩吗?)
  • 3、jest resources: Customizable, persistent closures.(jest资源:可定制的持久化闭包。)
  • 4、Do not say that even injest!(不要说这种话,哪怕是开玩笑,也不要说这种话!)
  • 5、I did finally finish Infinitejest! And the whole thing required only three bottles of Advil.(我读完了《无穷尽的笑话》,只需要三瓶雅维布洛芬。)
  • 6、jest leverages these mechanics to access a related set of entities and their properties.(jest利用这些机制访问相关的实例及其属性。)
  • 7、One day a good friend told me that his favorite book was Infinitejest by David Foster Wallace.(有一天我的一个好朋友告诉我,他最喜欢的书是戴维·福斯特·沃伦斯的《无穷尽的笑话》。)
  • 8、The man answered sharply, "Nought else, good sir—I tell thee 'twas but ajest."(那人厉声回答说:“没有别的事,好先生。我告诉你,这不过是个玩笑。”)
  • 9、But if he speaks injest, his words are idle among men who cannot receive them.(但如果他是在开玩笑,那么他的话语在那些无法理解的人们中就变得空虚了。)
  • 10、"Be useful, and do me a service, "said he, injest.(他开玩笑地说:“做个有用的人,并帮我个忙。”)
  • 11、jest interprets standard URIs to identify persistent resources.(jest是通过解析标准URI来确定持久化资源的。)
  • 12、But at least in comparison to Infinitejest, this book was more accessible, more identifiable.(但是,至少和《无穷尽的笑话》相比,这本书更容易接近,更可分辨。)
  • 13、It was ajest rather than a reproach.(这是个玩笑而非指责。)
  • 14、Alljest responses for any persistent entity adhere to the samejest-instance.xsd schema.(所有持久化实体的所有jest响应都符合相同的jest-instance.xsd模式。)
  • 15、jest leverages the rich functional concepts of JPA architecture.(jest利用了JPA架构的丰富功能概念。)
  • 16、Or, as Ijest: if at first you don't succeed, see if you can break it somewhere else.(或者,按我的说法:如果一开始不成功,那么在其他地方试试是否可以造成同样的问题。)
  • 17、The remark was made half injest.(这话是半开玩笑说出的。)
  • 18、For ajest, my prince, we did exchange garments.(为了开玩笑,我的王子,我们交换了衣服。)
  • 19、Ajest URI must encode sufficient information to furnish the following details.(jestURI必须包含足够信息来提供以下的详细信息。)
  • 20、jest deliberately does not address the issue of rendering a resource representation.(jest本身并没有解决资源表现的渲染问题。)
  • 21、I do notjest, that I don't!(我决不开玩笑,我!)
  • 22、The men started tojest about it, talk to each other, and share the newspaper.(人们开始拿这事开玩笑,互相唠着并分享自己的报纸。)
  • 23、Although spoken injest, geography has indeed influenced the station of Gejiu's men.(虽然这只是一句玩笑话,但是独特的地理却实在的影响了个旧男人地位。)
  • 24、The core theme of ajest representation is that it is model-driven, as opposed to domain-driven.(jest表现的核心主题是,它是由模型驱动的,而不是域驱动的。)
  • 25、An open issue forjest is fine-grained data security.(jest的一个公认问题是细粒度的数据安全性。)
  • 26、Our Guildensterns play Hamlet for us, and our Hamlets have tojest like Prince Hal.(我们的吉尔登斯吞为我们演哈姆雷特,而我们的哈姆雷特必须像霍尔王子一样来说笑。)
  • 27、Hence, thejest project chose HTTP asjest's communication protocol.(因此,jest项目选择HTTP作为jest的通信协议。)
  • 28、She preludes her remarks with ajest.(她开始讲话时先说一个笑话。)



英 [dʒest] 美 [dʒɛst] 
副词: jestingly 过去式: jested 过去分词: jested 现在分词: jesting 第三人称单数: jests

