
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:25:18



  • 1、For in the springtime flowers come in crowds, and the busy wings of beesjostle each other.(因为在春天繁花盛开,蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤。)
  • 2、Many developersjostle to release their apps around weekends, when consumers are most active on the store.(很多开发商都争相在周末发布软件,因为消费者周末在AppStore上最为活跃。)
  • 3、Playersjostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.(球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。)
  • 4、Don't miss Beyoglu – Istanbul's turn-of-the-century downtown – where art galleriesjostle with bars and meyhanes (traditional restaurants).(千万不要错过贝尤鲁(Beyoglu),伊斯坦布尔本世纪才形成的市中心,那里艺术画廊和酒吧以及meyhanes(一种传统的餐馆)挤在一起。)
  • 5、Nor is it all backward-looking nostalgia: modern ICONSjostle with ancient attractions, and the writing is heavily salted with popular culture.(它也不只是一本回顾过去的怀旧书:它不仅记载了很多历史古迹,还记录了很多现代地标,其间用流行文化作为书写作料。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、Desperation has driven women tojostle with men for limited relief supplies.(绝望的境地使得女人为了有限的救灾物资和男人们展开了竞争。)
  • 7、Within an atom's nucleus, neutrons and protonsjostle and change energy according to quantum mechanics, too.(在原子核内,中子和质子堆叠在一起,同样也根据量子力学互相交换能量。)
  • 8、Below, Shouting womenjostle for position with their containers.(下面的妇女们叫喊着,生怕抢不到放水罐的位置。)
  • 9、The well-alignment of tubes is due to the base growth mode and thejostle effect.(由于底部成长模式与推挤效应两者之作用,奈米碳管因而能整齐排列垂直于基板。)
  • 10、At the solar surface, convective motions of heated gasesjostle the magnetic field line.(在太阳表面,炽热气体的对流运动把这根磁力线冲来撞去。)
  • 11、Costly productions could wind up cannibalizing each other as theyjostle for screens.(高昂的制作成本可能会导致这些电影在争夺大屏幕的时候自相残杀。)
  • 12、European leadersjostle to be snapped standing next to him.(欧洲的领导人都争相挤着和他合照。)
  • 13、The insufficient shear strength of waterproof bonding material will result in thejostle, piling up, wave and rut of facing layer.(防水粘结材料抗剪强度不足会导致面层推挤、拥包、波浪和车辙的产生。)
  • 14、Small cars hoot andjostle in a race against three-wheeled auto-rickshaws, dilapidated buses, and the odd bullock cart.(道路上混杂着相互鸣笛争道的小型汽车、电动三轮车、破旧的公共汽车和牛拉单车。)
  • 15、Israeli journalistsjostle for hitherto rare interviews with Mr Zahar.(到目前为止有许多以色列记者竞相争夺为数甚少的对扎哈尔的采访机会。)
  • 16、Is television the only medium in which vastly dissimilar messagesjostle against one another?(电视是唯一一个迥异信息相互冲突的媒介吗?)
  • 17、Big transcontinental enterprisesjostle with one another for world markets.(巨大的跨国公司[企业]互相争夺国际市场。)
  • 18、Yet while these and other individualcountriesjostle for the spotlight in 2008, bear those first three words inmind: “Asia is one”.(当这些或那些国家在2008年的聚光灯下挤来挤去时,请把这三个词记在心里:“亚洲是一体的”。)
  • 19、We are the flawed ones, the innocents, trying to make some rough sense of the dailyjostle.(我们生而不足,生而无知,孜孜以求一些日常竞争的粗略常识。)
  • 20、Economic problems abroad will alsojostle for Mr Obama's attention.(国外的经济问题也需要引起奥巴马的注意。)
  • 21、The race in the ensuing pause was fierce and furious. The watches seemed tojostle, and to trip each other up.(在随即而来的沉寂中,两只表的赛跑是猛烈的、狂暴的。它们似乎在相互推撞,相互绊倒对方。)
  • 22、THE fruits come in crowds into my orchard, theyjostle each other.(我的果园中,果实累累,挤满枝头;)
  • 23、They do notjostle each other; each marches straight ahead.(彼此并不拥挤,向前各行其路。)
  • 24、As boatsjostle for space on the lake, fishermen are getting desperately worried about their livelihoods.(由于船要争夺湖上的位置,一些渔民极其担心他们的生计问题。)
  • 25、Words were his way of ordering thejostle of life.(言辞是他的谋生之道。)
  • 26、Until 1993 female senators had tojostle with the tourists visiting Capitol Hill, because no rest rooms were assigned to them.(直到1993年,女性参议员还不得不同参观国会山的游客争抢卫生间,因为并未为她们准备卫生间。)
  • 27、They do notjostle each other; each marches straight ahead. They plunge through defenses without breaking ranks.(彼此并不拥挤、向前各行其路。直闯兵器、不偏左右。)



英 [ˈdʒɒsl] 美 [ˈdʒɑ:sl] 
名词: jostler 过去式: jostled 过去分词: jostled 现在分词: jostling 第三人称单数: jostles

