1、Thecopyright prevents others from using and selling the work.(版权禁止其他人使用和出售该作品。)
2、copyright does not apply to names or short phrases.(版权是不保护姓名或者短语的。)
3、That’s whatcopyright law is all about.(这就是版权法用意所在。)
4、The emerging Cyber squatting in cyberspace and e-commerce attaches a vital importance tocopyright.(网络空间和电子商务中日渐凸现的域名抢注行为对于版权非常重要。)
5、copyright is the big hurdle.(版权是一个重大障碍。)
6、The film exploited his image and infringed hiscopyright.(该影片利用了他的肖像,侵犯了他的肖像权。)
7、Who owns thecopyright on this song?(谁拥有这首歌曲的版权?)
8、Holdingcopyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.(持有版权是制止盗版的唯一法律手段。)
9、From the profusion of electronic-text sites available, it looks as if this virtual library is here to stay unless a proposed revision tocopyright law takes many publications out of the public domain.(从现有的大量电子文本网站来看,除非版权法的修订提案将许多出版物排除在公共领域之外,否则这个虚拟图书馆似乎将继续存在。)
10、The agreement assignscopyright to the publisher.(协议规定将版权转让给出版商。)
11、Acopyright gives the owner exclusive rights to copy, distribute, display, or perform the work.(版权赋予所有者复制、分发、展示或表演作品的独家权利。)
15、The word 'original' is liberally interpreted incopyright law.(original一词在版权法中解释很灵活。)
16、Why? One word:copyright.(为什么呢?两个字:版权。)
17、Acopyright protects the creator of an original artisitic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel.(版权保护原创艺术作品或脑力劳动成果(如歌曲或小说)的创作者。)
18、copyright law, like most law, is complex.(版权法跟其它法律一样是复杂的。)
19、What does acopyright mean to humanity?(版权对人类意味着什么?) Hao86.com
20、copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.(版权归期刊出版商所有,而想要了解研究结果的研究人员必须订阅该期刊。)
21、copyright is not like trademark.(版权不是商标。)
22、copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.(版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。)
23、Who owns thecopyright on this movie?(谁拥有这部电影的版权?)
24、The material can be copied without infringingcopyright.(这份材料可以复制,不会侵犯版权。)
25、Classiccopyright protection laws provide that even if you scribble on paper, you will automatically own thecopyright of the information on that paper.(经典的版权保护法规定,即便你是在一张纸上乱涂乱画,你也自动拥有了对这张纸上信息的版权。)