ask for造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 12:26:21


ask for造句

  • 1、It didn't occur to her toask for help.(她没想到请别人帮忙。)
  • 2、Face it – you'll just have to take those cowboy boots back andask for a refund.(面对现实吧–你不过是要把那些牛仔靴拿回去,要求退款。)
  • 3、If anyone calls,ask for their number so I can call them back.(如有人打电话来,问问电话号码,这样我可以回电话。)
  • 4、I don't like this room. I'm going toask for another.(我不喜欢这个房间。我打算另要一间。)
  • 5、I decided to go to the next house andask for food.(我决定到隔壁房子去要吃的。)
  • 6、You're quite within your rights toask for your money back.(你完全有权要回你的钱。)
  • 7、I'm going toask for a rise.(我打算要求加薪。)
  • 8、I am writing toask for some information about courses.(我写信是想了解关于课程的情况。)
  • 9、Beating the world champions is certainly a bigask for the team.(这个队要打败世界冠军当然难度很大。)
  • 10、Mr. Spero was reluctant toask for help.(斯珀洛先生不愿意请求帮助。)
  • 11、You canask for help whenever you need it.(你如果需要帮助随时可以提出来。)
  • 12、Is it too much toask for a little quiet?(请略微安静一点儿,这个要求过分吗?)
  • 13、It might be worth your while to go to court andask for the agreement to be changed.(你花精力上法庭请求更改协议可能会是值得的。)
  • 14、You canask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.(你可以要求给你的自来水做化学分析。)
  • 15、Let's stop andask for directions.(咱们停下来问问路吧。)
  • 16、We do notask for the death penalty: barbarism must not be met with barbarism.(我们并不要求死刑:不能以暴制暴。)
  • 17、"I didn'task for this job, you know," he tells friends when he is low.(“我没有要求做这份工作,你知道的。”他在情绪低落的时候告诉朋友们。)
  • 18、When you arrive,ask for Jane.(你到达后找简。)
  • 19、Let'sask for the bill.(我们结账吧。)
  • 20、Why didn't youask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?(你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?)
  • 21、Whatever you do, don'task for a pay increase.(你不管做什么,就是别要求涨工资。)
  • 22、You're going to have to swallow your pride andask for your job back.(你得放下架子,去求人家给你恢复原职。)
  • 23、ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.(商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。)
  • 24、I was damned if I was going toask for an explanation and beg to keep my job.(要是我曾想要去讨个说法并乞求留住工作的话,我就不是人。)
  • 25、I know that this is a bad time toask for help.(我知道在这时候要求帮助不合适。)
  • 26、They daren'task for any more money.(他们不敢再要钱了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 27、At least you had the wit toask for help.(你起码还能意识到要求救。)
  • 28、You can'task for anything more.(你不能再问更多事了。)
  • 29、I would neverask for any favours from her.(我再也不会请她帮任何忙了。)

ask for基本释义

ask for

英 [ɑ:sk fɔ:] 美 [æsk fɔr] 
请求; 要求