cover up造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:30:59


cover up造句

  • 1、You don't have tocover up mistakes but do what's best for the organization.(你无需再为他掩盖错误,仅仅专注做对组织最有利的工作。)
  • 2、He suspects there's a conspiracy tocover up the crime.(他怀疑有掩盖这桩罪行的阴谋。)
  • 3、They are completely unnecessary, if you need tocover up on a beach, then just get dressed.(你完全不必要带上他们,如果你在沙滩上需要防晒,干脆穿上连衣裙吧。)
  • 4、Why would youcover up your beautiful, beautiful face with abeard?(为什么你要在你美丽又美丽的脸蛋上挂胡子?)
  • 5、We shall have frost tonight. Don't forget tocover up the cabbages with the mat.(今天夜里有霜冻,别忘了用席子把白菜包好。)
  • 6、Anger is never just anger. Anger is acover up for fear, hurt, or disappointment.(怒火从不仅仅只是生气,怒火是一种恐惧、受伤、或者失望的表现。)
  • 7、Don't count on others tocover up for your shortcomings.(别指望别人来掩饰你的缺点。)
  • 8、It's commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices tocover up the taste of spoiled meat.(人们常说,中世纪的欧洲人想要以香料来掩盖变质肉的味道。)
  • 9、The wings of a crow can nevercover up the sun.(乌鸦的翅膀遮不住太阳。)
  • 10、Cosmetics do notcover up the deficiencies of nature.(化妆品并不能掩盖先天缺陷。)
  • 11、We shall have frost tonight, don't forget tocover up the cabbages with the mat.(今天夜里有霜冻,别忘了用席子把白菜苫好。)
  • 12、Perhaps wecover up something intentionally or perhaps we have not found the true inner self.(也许我们在刻意掩饰什么,也许我们尚未发现真实的自我。)
  • 13、That would show they would do anything tocover up for this group.(她问道,“这样会证明他们可以为了这个集团做任何事情。)
  • 14、She laughed tocover up her feeling of awkwardness.(她用笑声掩饰她的难堪。)
  • 15、Don'tcover up how you feel, either positively or negatively.(不要掩饰你的感受,不管事积极的还是消极的。)
  • 16、Irene's use of the mop had been a calculated attempt tocover up her crime.(艾琳使用拖把是个精心安排的举动,意在掩盖她的罪行。)
  • 17、In addition, the system can be expanded tocover up to 50 different threats.(另外,该系统还可以扩展到探测50种的不同威胁。)
  • 18、Sometimes original art works appear questionable or inauthentic because they've had so many restorers add touch-up layers tocover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time.(有时候艺术品真迹看起来是赝品,是因为很多修护人员添加了很多层保护膜,以覆盖油画上的损伤;而随着时间的推移,画作上损坏的地方已经恶化了。)
  • 19、He tried tocover up his mistakes but in vain.(他试图掩饰他的错误,但办不到。)
  • 20、Yet what it was that she mustcover up she never knew.(可这些必须加以掩盖的缺点究竟是哪些,她却无从知晓。)
  • 21、Icover up, slather on the SPF50 and avoid the midday sun.(我把自己遮盖起来,涂上厚厚的防晒系数50的防晒霜,并且躲开中午的太阳。)
  • 22、Tocover up [my weakness], I had to ask professors and seniors for help after work.(为了掩饰我的力不从心,下班后,我必须要去助于教授和老员工们。)
  • 23、Even after he died, they lied tocover up their abuse.(甚至在他死了之后,他们仍然说谎掩盖他们的虐待行为。)
  • 24、At CTU, Tony accuses Nina of lying tocover up what happened between Mason and Jack.(在反恐组,托尼指责尼娜,怪她对梅森与杰克之间发生的事情撒谎掩饰。)
  • 25、You cancover up all of your little mishaps!(你也可以把封面全贴上胶纸!)
  • 26、Pour in boiling water andcover up for 20-30 minutes.(加入开水盖住20-30分钟。)
  • 27、Theycover up other feelings, beliefs, and inner states.(假的感觉掩盖了其他感觉、信仰和内心状态。)

cover up基本释义

cover up

英 [ˈkʌvə ʌp] 美 [ˈkʌvɚ ʌp] 
掩盖; 掩饰; 盖住; 裹住