
all at once造句

all at once造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:30:53


all at once造句

  • 1、Buy everythingall at once?(是立刻买下所有的?)
  • 2、all at once, he noticed that Geppetto was shivering and shaking as if with a high fever.(突然,他注意到杰佩托浑身发抖,好像发高烧似的。)
  • 3、He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loanall at once.(公平合理地讲,不可能指望他一下子归还全部借款。)
  • 4、She wanted to laugh and weepall at once.(她哭笑不得。)
  • 5、all at once there was someone knocking on the door.(突然有人敲门。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 6、all at once he had realized something to the full.(突然,他完全明白了一件事。)
  • 7、all at once I fell into a state of profound melancholy.(我立即陷入无限的愁思之中。)
  • 8、It's a lot of information to absorball at once.(要一下子消化这么多资料,真是很难。)
  • 9、As the British zookeeper who discovered virgin births in Komodos put it, rather like buses, you wait for ages and then loads of them come alongall at once.(正如发现巨蜥单性生殖的英国的动物园管理员所描述的,像等公共汽车一样,等了好长时间,然后一群小蜥蜴就一股脑地都出来了。)
  • 10、Don't make massive changesall at once.(不要一下子做出大幅度的改动。)
  • 11、One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk when a thunderstorm startedall at once.(一个炎热的夏日下午,他正在散步,突然下起了雷雨。)
  • 12、Toad was not inclined to give inall at once.(托德不愿意一下子就认输。)
  • 13、I can't do everythingall at once—you'll have to be patient.(我不能万事一把抓呀。你可急不得。)
  • 14、She paid me in dribs and drabs, notall at once.(她一点一点地付给我钱,而不是一次付清。)
  • 15、The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break up—slowly, and thenall at once.(美元的失势就像许多婚姻的破裂一样——慢慢地,然后突然垮掉。)
  • 16、You can adjust the volumeall at once or room by room.(您可以一次性调节各处的音量,也可以一个一个房间分别调节。)
  • 17、all at once I tumbled to what he meant.(我突然明白了他的意思。)
  • 18、Many things in the country are now waiting to be done, but at present they are not able to do the thingsall at once.(这个国家现在是百废待举,但目前他们还不能做到百废俱兴。)
  • 19、Rather, the years pile on like blankets, existingall at once.(这么说吧,岁月像毯子一样堆积着,一直都存在着。)
  • 20、Can you have itall at once? Maybe.(你能一次拥有吗,也许。)
  • 21、all at once, he had a surprise.(他忽然遇到了一件使他吃惊的事。)
  • 22、Never buyall at once. Never sellall at once.(不要一下子全部买入,也不要一下子全部售出。)
  • 23、Well, I didn't neither, butall at once it popped onto me that it was Friday.(嗯,我也是,但我突然想到今天是星期五。)
  • 24、all at once, Mick's serious expression softened into a grin.(顷刻间,米克严肃的表情和蔼起来,咧嘴笑了。)
  • 25、Mary thought of somethingall at once.(玛丽突然想到了一件事。)
  • 26、Suddenly it all comes down,all at once.(突然间,一下子全来了。)
  • 27、all at once she lost her temper.(她突然大发脾气。)
  • 28、Little Tuk was no longer lying down:all at once he was on horseback.(现在小杜克已经不躺在床上了,他忽然骑上了一匹马。)

all at once基本释义

all at once

英 [ɔ:l æt wʌns] 美 [ɔl æt wʌns] 
同时; 一起; 突然; 忽然


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