all but造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:30:53


all but造句

  • 1、It is strictly regulated that access to confidential documents is denied toall but a few.(严格地说,除了少数人之外,所有人都不准接触机密文件。)
  • 2、Unfortunately, you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since it'sall but impossible to find natural substitutes.(不幸的是,你必须随身携带必要的设备,因为几乎不可能找到天然的替代品。)
  • 3、all but one of the plates were damaged.(除去一只,盘子全打碎了。)
  • 4、Yet much of the land—moist black soil and extraordinary verdure—wasall but empty.(然而,这里的大部分土地——潮湿的黑土和格外的青翠——几乎空空如也。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、With time, the lump grew, and it wasall but impossible to find a veterinarian who would treat her since she was not a dog, cat or farm animal.(随着时间的推移,肿块渐渐长大,因为她不是狗、猫或农场动物,几乎不可能找到能治疗她的兽医。)
  • 6、The concrete wall that used to divide this city has nowall but gone.(这堵曾经被用来分隔这座城市的水泥墙现在差不多不存在了。)
  • 7、Such changes areall but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.(这些变化在现代观测短时间范围内几乎是看不见的,而且,有人认为,这些变化常常被不完善的化石记录中的无数空白所掩盖。)
  • 8、Herbalism had become anall but extinct skill in the Western world.(草药医术在西方世界几乎已成了一项绝迹的技术。)
  • 9、One force behind the import-export boom has passedall but unnoticed: the rapidly falling cost of getting goods to market.(谁也没有注意到进出口贸易繁荣的另一个原因:商品抵达市场的运输成本迅速下降。)
  • 10、He had never seen anything outside the window atall but he described beautiful scenes to help his friend feel better.(他从未见过窗外的景色,但他描述着美丽的景色让他朋友感觉舒服一点。)
  • 11、A study found that 85% of new fathers take some time off after the birth of a child—but forall but a few, it's a week or two at most.(一项研究发现,85%初为人父的人在孩子出生后会休息一段时间——但对于大多数人来说,顶多一两个星期。)
  • 12、From another section of the pouch, he extracted several wooden matches, counted them in his palm, and returnedall but one to the waterproof compartment.(他从革袋的另一处取出几支木制火柴,放在手掌里数了数,留下一支,其余全放回防水袋中。)
  • 13、It's currently home to 2,500 people andall but a handful of them indigenous Inuit.(目前这里居住着2500人,只有少数土著因纽特人。)
  • 14、On Meredith's new recording, Eddie Higgins accompanies her onall but one song.(在梅瑞迪斯的新唱片中,艾迪·希金斯为她伴奏了除一首歌以外的所有歌曲。)
  • 15、Inall but the remotest regions of the empire, Roman pottery of a high standard is common at the sites of humble villages and isolated farmsteads.(除了帝国最偏远的地区外,高水准的罗马陶器普遍存在于简陋的村庄和偏僻的农庄。)
  • 16、Oxen were not used atall but donkeys were used by a few households in the northern part of the district.("这个地区的人们完全不会使用牛,但北部的一些住户会使用驴。)
  • 17、Altogether there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth,all but a few hundred of them extinct.(地球上总共有大约一万个这样的火山,其中只有几百个是死火山。)
  • 18、Europe will be represented inall but two of the seven races.(7场比赛中除了2场之外,都将有欧洲的代表参加。)
  • 19、They sat down under their tree—all but Colin, who wanted to stand while he told the story.(他们在他们的树下坐了下来——除了科林,他想站着讲述这段经历。)
  • 20、all but Tootles popped down their trees.(除了图托斯,所有的人都从树上下来。)
  • 21、It wasall but impossible to read his writing.(他的笔迹几乎没法辨认。)
  • 22、The general was an unattractive man toall but his most ardent admirers.(除了他的那些最热切的仰慕者以外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。)
  • 23、He runs the company inall but name.(他虽没有名义,却实际上在管理这家公司。)
  • 24、Reiner, 56, hasall but conceded the race to his rival.(56岁的赖纳差一点就向他的对手认输而使比赛结束。)
  • 25、The party wasall but over when we arrived.(我们到的时候,聚会都快要结束了。)
  • 26、The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive forall but a few of the households.(本地生产的独轮车对于多数人来说仍然太昂贵了,只有少数家庭负担得起。)
  • 27、During their heyday, they were places of gathering, of leisure, of relaxation and of worship for villagers ofall but the lowest classes.(在全盛时期,这里是除了最底层人民外,所有村民的聚会、休闲、放松和祭祀的地方。)
  • 28、It seems that the '60s era of social activism isall but a dim memory.(60年代的社会激进主义时代似乎只剩下模糊的记忆。)

all but基本释义

all but

英 [ɔ:l bʌt] 美 [ɔl bʌt] 
几乎; 差一点