


更新时间:2024-06-23 12:56:20



  • 1、Nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, are semiconducting particles with a diameter of a few millionths of amillimeter.(纳米晶体,也被称为量子点,是一种直径只有百万分之一毫米的半导体粒子。)
  • 2、This is in vertical position. 149.9 But I would think that the uncertainty of my measurement is probably 1millimeter.(放置的铝条,149。,考虑到,测量的不确定度,它大概是1毫米。)
  • 3、On average these mosses grow at the glacial speed of 1millimeter per year-and some of the turfs are meters thick.(平均来说,这些苔藓以每年大约1毫米的极慢速度生长,而某些草皮有数米厚。)
  • 4、It's about amillimeter thinner than the iPhone 4, even though it's got most of the same guts.(它虽然和iphone4的内部配置相同,但看上去却少了好几毫米。)
  • 5、The other type doesn't use X-rays but instead a technology calledmillimeter-wave scanning.(另外一种不使用X射线,而是采用了一种叫做毫米波扫描的技术。)
  • 6、If the ground stations tracking the satellites are not accurate to themillimeter, then the satellites cannot be accurate either.(如果跟踪卫星的地面站位置不能精确到毫米,那么卫星也是不可能精确的。)
  • 7、Within about amillimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor.(在离水不到一毫米的地方,空气的温度接近于地表水的温度,空气中的水蒸气几乎饱和了。)
  • 8、Researcher said it is the first truemillimeter-scale complete computing system.(研发人员称这是第一套真正意义上的毫米级、完整的计算机系统。)
  • 9、Themillimeter-wave machine is grayish-white and is more cylindrical.(而毫米波扫描仪则是灰白色的,有些像圆柱形。)
  • 10、The process is possible only with certain materials (plastics, resins and metals) and with a precision of around a tenth of amillimeter.(这个过程只能用特定的材料(塑料,树脂和金属),精度在0.1毫米左右。)
  • 11、Researchers found the 70-millimeter crustacean in the dark shale of an Oklahoma quarry.(研究者在俄克拉荷马采石场的页岩层发现这些70毫米的甲壳纲动物。)
  • 12、We don't make 1.2millimeter errors building mirrors.(我们在这方面不会产生1,2毫米的误差)
  • 13、The laser cuts short ribbons of tissue about one-millimeter across.(激光能将丝带组织切成1毫米大小。)
  • 14、These seeds are actually chondrules:millimeter-sized melted droplets of silicate material that were cooled into spheres of glass and crystal.(这些种子实际上是陨石球粒:冷却后变成玻璃球和水晶球的毫米级熔融状硅酸盐小液滴。)
  • 15、These sections of rocks are dissected, using a laser, into slices amillimeter or less thick.(采用激光将这些小岩石块切分成一毫米或更薄的薄片。)
  • 16、One micron is a thousandth of amillimeter: a pinhead is about amillimeter across.(一微米等于千分之一毫米。针头直径大约一毫米。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、These jellyfish were only onemillimeter long.(这些水母只有1毫米长。)
  • 18、It can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million cones per squaremillimeter in its retina.(它的视网膜上每平方毫米有一百万个视锥细胞,所以它能分辨出很细微的视觉差别。)
  • 19、They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of amillimeter in a controlled factory environment.(他们已经制造出能够在受控的工厂环境中识别出几分之一毫米误差的机器人。)
  • 20、That the accuracy of onemillimeter was more than sufficient to make the case.(在此,一毫米的精度,已经足够精确了。)
  • 21、If one torr equals 1millimeter of mercury, then 1 millitorr must be equivalent to 1 micrometer of mercury, right?(如果1托等于1毫米汞柱,那么1毫托一定等于1微米汞柱,对吧?)
  • 22、A micrometer is one thousandth of onemillimeter.(一微米是一毫米的千分之一。)
  • 23、What Seitz imagines is pumping even smaller bubbles, about one-five-hundredth of amillimeter in diameter, into the sea.(Seitz设想的是抽取更小的大约五百分之一毫米的直径的气泡放到海里。)
  • 24、Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just amillimeter long.(秀丽隐杆线虫是蛔虫的学名,是一种只有1毫米长的透明小生物。)
  • 25、The first samples of this new metallic glass were relatively small glass rods just amillimeter in diameter.(这种新型玻璃合金的首批样品是相对而言很小,直径仅一厘米的玻璃棒。)
  • 26、It rotates around its own axis, flaps its wings, shakes its tail and moves its two-millimeter beak.(它会来回旋转,挥动翅膀,摇摆尾巴,两毫米厚的鸟喙还会微微翕动。)
  • 27、There might be a couple hundred of these color sacks per squaremillimeter of the octopus' skin, and depending on the species, they can come in as many as five different colors.(章鱼每平方毫米的皮肤上可能有几百个这样的色袋,根据章鱼品种的不同,色袋可以有多达五种不同的颜色。)
  • 28、However, the product has changed dramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimeter to 25 mm.(然而,玻璃制品在厚度上发生了巨大变化:从单一的6.8毫米变为亚毫米级至25毫米区间的任意厚度。)
  • 29、Visible light from that time has now been so stretched out that its waves are in themillimeter/submillimeter range.(来自那个时期的可见光延展过广,以至于它的光波达到了毫米、次毫米级别。)



英 ['mɪlɪˌmi:tə] 美 ['mɪləˌmi:tə] 
