3、We are hopingfor good weather on this Sunday because we are going to go shopping.(我们希望这周日天气好,因为我们打算去购物。)
4、He had a namefor good judgement.(他以判断力强著称。)
5、This second network uses jumbo framesfor good performance.(这个第二网络使用巨大帧来获得好的性能。)
6、A bonus of up to five percent can be added to a student's final exam score as a rewardfor good spelling, punctuation, and grammar.(作为对正确的拼写、标点和语法的奖励,多达5分的加分可以加到学生期末考试成绩中。)
7、Credit will be given in the examfor good spelling and grammar.(考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬。)
8、Using stick traps or the more deadly snap traps would be deemed unacceptablefor good mice.(使用棍棒陷阱或更致命的快速陷阱将被认为对于好老鼠来说是不能接受的。)
9、Anyhow, cheer up! You're not leavingfor good.(总之,振作起来!你不会永远离开的。)
10、A tool usedfor good things can be used for bad things.(一种能用来做好事的工具也能用来做坏事。)
11、This is a time to seek out and workfor good leaders.(现在是找寻好的领导并为其工作的时候。)
12、Jack's mother put five small candies into the cakefor good luck.(杰克的妈妈在蛋糕里放了五块小糖果以求好运。)
13、There are a number of vitamins that are vitalfor good hair health, the main ones being vitamins C, D and E, and in a balanced diet all these vitamins should be readily available.(有许多对头发健康至关重要的维生素,主要有维生素C、D和E,而在平衡的饮食中所有这些维生素应该很容易获得。)
14、I think even the soul's emotion, people are a little too off, for the good church,for good church people.(我认为即使是灵魂的情感,人们都有点太脱离了,对于好的教会,对于好的教会的人来说。) 【好工具hao86.com】
15、We're prayingfor good weather on Saturday.(我们十分企盼星期六是个晴天。)
16、I would certainly recommend the Country Housefor good, traditional English food.(我一定会推荐这个乡村别墅,因为那里有好吃的传统英国食物。)
17、He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point — and he's hopingfor good news.(他认为即将进行的实地试验将是一个转折点,他希望有好消息。)
18、Is religion always a forcefor good?(宗教一向是诲人行善的力量吗?)
19、Yet the Internet has the potentialfor good and bad.(然而,互联网有好的一面也有坏的一面。)
20、Some of the nation's manufacturing jobs may be gonefor good.(该国制造产业中有些职业也许会永远消失。)
21、They're telling the tradespeople and everybody that they've come to stayfor good.(他们告诉商人,告诉每一个人,他们来了就会永远住下去。)
22、Certain jobs have gone awayfor good, outmoded by machines.(某些工作因为被机器取代而永远消失了。)
23、We are hopingfor good weather on Sunday.(我们盼望着星期天天气好。)
24、How can big data be usedfor good and bad things?(大数据如何被用于好的和坏的事情?)
25、She made a solemn promise to him when they became engaged that she would give up cigarettesfor good.(他们订婚时,她向他许下郑重的承诺,说她会永远戒烟。)
26、He'd be out with usfor good if he got th' notion us was interferin' now.(如果他现在知道我们在干涉他,就会永远躲着我们了。)
27、Many experts advocate rewarding your childfor good behaviour.(很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。)
28、Women must receive their fair share of trainingfor good-paying jobs.(妇女必须获得找到高收入工作需要的应有的培训。)
29、He retained the passionfor good form.(他保持了对良好状态的热情。)