save up造句

更新时间:2024-11-10 12:28:50


save up造句

  • 1、Simply have the mind tosave up for what you want to buy.(只需要为你想买的东西存钱。)
  • 2、Spend a semester abroad orsave up and go backpacking in Europe or Asia.(花一个学期或节省下来时间到国外去:比如欧洲或亚洲。)
  • 3、The NHSBT says that a single donor cansave up to nine lives and there is no age barrier to donating an organ.(NHSBT表示,一位捐赠者可以至多挽救九条生命,而且捐赠器官没有年龄壁垒。)
  • 4、Having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier tosave up.(一个非常明确的目标可以让你的省钱计划更加易行。)
  • 5、You cansave up to $23 per plant by building an edible garden with big-ticket vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans.(你可以用西红柿、黄瓜和青豆等高价蔬菜建造一个可食用的菜园,这样每株植物可以节省23美元。)
  • 6、People willsave up to buy the $3 meal, even if only once every three months, " Mr. Warren says.(即使要三个月一次,人们也会省下钱去买3美元的快餐。”沃伦说。)
  • 7、Achieving the 2020 target couldsave up to five million lives and prevent 50 million serious injuries.(如这一2020目标得以实现,则可挽救多达500万人的生命,避免5000万人遭受严重伤害。)
  • 8、She egged her husband on tosave up some money and start his own business.(她撺掇其丈夫攒钱自己开店做生意。)
  • 9、Gong Benru is a successful computer programmer who, like Yang, chooses tosave up his cash to buy a home.(宫本儒是一个事业有成的计算机程序员,像杨一样,他选择通过攒钱来买房。)
  • 10、The best way to treat yourself to something nice is tosave up for it and buy it when you can truly afford it.(以某种好东西来款待自己最好的方式,就是为这件东西攒钱,到当你真正买得起的时候买下它。)
  • 11、But now my daughter's grown and working. I only need tosave up for the dowry, which is manageable.(现在不一样了,我女儿也长大了,工作了,我只用给她把嫁妆准备好就行了。)
  • 12、It'll be greener than flying, plus it probably be cheaper, so you don't have to work as hard tosave up for it.(这种方式比坐飞机更绿色环保,再加上它更偏宜,所以你根本不需要努工作存钱去旅游。)
  • 13、You shouldsave up money to make provision for the future.(你们应该存些钱,为将来做些准备。)
  • 14、Sometimes we'd have tosave up days just for an ice cream cone.(有时我们为了买个冰淇淋蛋卷就要攒好几天的钱。)
  • 15、I willsave up money to buy a iPad2.(我要存钱买一台iPad2。)
  • 16、It helps to have money, so parents of boyssave up in order to improve sonny's chances in the marriage market.(这种情况下,殷实的家底能够为男子娶妻带来帮助,因此养育了男孩的家长们会存钱还提高孩子未来的“竞争力”。)
  • 17、A much better habit is tosave up until you have enough money to buy the item on cash.(更好的习惯是攒够了钱再用现金去购买所需物品。)
  • 18、Of course it's great to earn andsave up money, but be careful not to work too much.(赚钱存钱固然好,但是注意别工作过度了。)
  • 19、You shouldsave up, get a house.(你应该存些钱,买个房子。)
  • 20、Perhaps buy that more expensive version you really wanted, when you should justsave up your money and wait?(或许你真的需要更贵的那个款式,那你就应该省吃俭用攒钱吗?)
  • 21、Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays orsave up for something special.(朱莉想留出一些钱去度假或是存些钱以备专门之需。)
  • 22、save up some cash and splurge on that amazing purchase or take some unpaid time off.(存一些现金用来实现这些美妙的梦想,或者休个不带薪的假。)
  • 23、Just plan, set realistic goals, meet those goals, diversify,save up, add four cups of patience, and have fun.(做个计划,设置靠谱的目标,达成这些目标,多样化你的产品,存点钱,准备四倍的耐心,开始快乐之旅吧。)
  • 24、I only need tosave up for the dowry, which is manageable.(我只需要给他存嫁妆钱了,这就比较好办了。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 25、save up for stuff instead of charging it; by the time you have the money, you may not even want it anymore!(存钱买东西,不要借钱,等你有钱的时候你可能根本不想要这些东西了。)
  • 26、The key is to wait,save up, and buy on cash.(卖掉了我的多功能车,再加点现金买了新车。关键的一点就是你得耐心等待,存够钱,再用现金购买。)

save up基本释义

save up

英 [seiv ʌp] 美 [sev ʌp] 
储蓄; 贮存