
更新时间:2024-08-27 12:11:49



  • 1、We must get together for a drinksometime.(我们什么时候得聚在一起喝一杯。)
  • 2、I'll phonesometime tomorrow.(我明天找时间打个电话。)
  • 3、Can we meetsometime soon?(咱们能尽快会面吗?)
  • 4、How aboutsometime next week?(下周定个时分如何?)
  • 5、I thought it wasn't to be untilsometime in July.(我原以为要等到七月的某个时候才会发生。)
  • 6、Why don't you come and see mesometime.(你何不在某个时间来看看我?)
  • 7、Let's meet up again—can you manage next weeksometime?(我们再见一次面吧—下周找个时间,行吗?)
  • 8、You should try itsometime.(有机会你也应该试试。)
  • 9、You must come heresometime.(你一定要找个时间过来。)
  • 10、Steel cans were introducedsometime during the forties.(钢罐是在四十年代的某个时候开始使用的。)
  • 11、We must get togethersometime.(我们一定要找个时间聚一下。)
  • 12、Maybe we can hang outsometime.(也许我们哪天可以一起出去玩玩。)
  • 13、Maybe everything breakssometime.(也许某一刻一切都被打碎。)
  • 14、Let's go theresometime.(我们找个时间去吧。)
  • 15、I saw himsometime last summer.(我去年夏天什么时候见过他。)
  • 16、Perhaps you too have felt wine talons grip you unexpectedlysometime and carry you aloft.(也许你也曾感到,有时葡萄酒的魔爪会出乎意料地抓住你,把你高高举起。)
  • 17、sometime in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up and said, "Look up at the sky."(午夜的某个时候,妻子叫醒了丈夫,说:“抬头看看天空。”)
  • 18、sometime I've set right down and eat with him.(有时我会坐下来和他一起吃。)
  • 19、We will take our holidaysometime next year.(我们明年的某个时候会放假。)
  • 20、If you want to run off a copysometime today, you're welcome to.(如果你想今天某个时候复印文件,欢迎你来印。)
  • 21、Can you give me a callsometime?(你有时间可以给我打个电话吗?)
  • 22、We should try itsometime.(我们将来有时间应该尝试一下。)
  • 23、Could you see mesometime?(你可以找个时间见我吗?)
  • 24、We'll get togethersometime again.(我们将来会找个时间再聚的。)
  • 25、It must come truesometime soon.(它一定会在将来不久变成现实。)
  • 26、sometime the produce we offer is organically grown.(有时我们提供的产品是有机种植的。)
  • 27、The sales figures won't be released untilsometime next month.(销售数据要到下个月的某个时候才会公布。)
  • 28、Do you want to hang outsometime?(你有时候出去逛逛吗?)
  • 29、It happenedsometime in March.(那发生在三月的某时。)
  • 30、Let's do lunchsometime.(有时间我们一起吃午饭。)



英 [ˈsʌmtaɪm] 美 [ˈsʌmˌtaɪm] 


