更新时间:2025-03-02 12:25:24
sell out造句
- 1、However, after the Nasdaq slid lower and lower each day over the next two years, they began tosell out.(然而在接下来的两年里纳斯达克一天天下跌得越来越低之后,他们开始卖出了。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 2、He had never seen a showsell out that quickly.(他从未见哪个展览的作品卖得如此之快。)
- 3、The liquidity of Internet stocks persuaded investors to buy them in the belief they would be able tosell out in time.(互联网股票的流动性说服人们去购买它,人们坚信股票能够及时卖出。)
- 4、You don't have tosell out and work for some corporation.(你没有必要出卖自己为某公司工作。)
- 5、Its limited-time sales start at noon each day andsell out quickly, so people miss out if they are away from their computers.(他的限时销售在每天中午开始然后很快卖光,无偶一人们一旦离开电脑就会错失良机。)
- 6、This Scottish event is so popular that it has been a completesell out for the last six years.(这个具有苏格兰特点的活动如此盛行,以至于近6年来成为了一个很大的亮点。)
- 7、The recently departed administration in Taipei wanted TVB tosell out.(最近已经离职的台北的管理者想让TVB出售股份。)
- 8、Another possibility would be for Gap's ageing founders, who still own 37% of the group, tosell out.(另外一个可能是GAP早期的那些创始人可能卖掉手中37%的股份。)
- 9、If it doesn'tsell out to advertisers too quickly or too completely.(前提是它没有很快很彻底地把自己卖给昔日的广告客户。)
- 10、Why, after performing for over 30 years, do the Rolling Stones continue tosell out venues around the world?(在表演了30多年为什么滚石乐团仍然可以继续世界巡回演唱会?)
- 11、Box fatigue basically led Sling Media tosell out to satellite company EchoStar (DISH) in September.(机顶盒老化基本上导致SlingMedia在九月被出售给了卫星公司EchoStar(DISH)。)
- 12、Obama didn'tsell out his supporters.(奥巴马并没有欺骗他的支持者们。)
- 13、Football games oftensell out well in advance.(足球比赛的门票常常提前销售一空。)
- 14、John D. Rockefeller threatened rivals with bankruptcy if they didn'tsell out to his company, Standard Oil.(约翰·洛克·菲勒曾威胁他的对手说如果不把他们的公司出售给自己的标准石油的话,就让对方破产。)
- 15、And, sitting down, he wrote a letter to his broker, ordering him tosell out at the market price.(于是他坐了下来,写了一封信给他的代理人,命令他不论什么价钱都要赶快卖掉他的证券。)
- 16、If they can notsell out, does such big storage quanitity have a dramatic impact on the brand?(如此大的储备量万一销售不出去对品牌的影响岂不更大?)
- 17、Yes, I'm sure they willsell out just as their website states.(是的,我确信单凭他们现在网站的形势是会卖出去的。)
- 18、And how is Neil Diamond able tosell out concerts with minimal PR and advertising expenditures night after night?(尼尔·戴蒙德又是用何种方法日以继夜的以最少的公关以及广告花费上卖出演唱会门票的?)
- 19、But how can Isell out here?(呃,我在这儿怎么卖呢?)
- 20、He decided tosell out his shares in that company.(他决定卖掉在那家公司的股份。)
- 21、"Private Sales have limited inventory and run until wesell out," Kayak says.(Kayak表示“内部销售”的产品库存有限,会持续到我们售完为止。)
- 22、Eventually some people realize this and start tosell out.(最终,一些人会意识到这一点,并开始卖出。)
- 23、I'll have a going out of business sale. I'llsell out and move out of here.(我要举行一场歇业大甩卖。我要变卖全部财产,然后从这里搬走。)
- 24、At farmers' markets in Yuba City, wesell out completely, earning $250 to $500 in a day.(在尤巴城农贸市场,我们的鸡蛋常常销售一空,每天能赚250美元至500美元。)
sell out
英 [sel aut] 美 [sɛl aʊt]