更新时间:2025-03-02 12:25:38
hang back造句
- 1、This is a great opportunity. We can't afford tohang back.(这是个绝好的机会。我们可不能再犹豫了。)
- 2、If youhang back, and reserve and criticise at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.(如果读书伊始便固步自封、处处设防,甚至批评挑剔,那么你就无法尽可能地从阅读中获得最大的价值。)
- 3、If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.(如果你用公共电话打长途,钱花光了,把你的电话号码给你正在通话的人,然后挂上电话,他会给你回电话的。)
- 4、If youhang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.(倘若你未开卷便先行犹豫退缩,说三道四,你绝不可能从阅读中最大限度地获取有用价值。)
- 5、Do Ihang back and crawl through the remaining 52 turns at their speed?(我是否该退几步,跟着它们,以爬行般的速度缓缓驶过剩下的52个大弯?)
- 6、Meanwhile, I wouldhang back on the periphery, already school aged and of no interest.(另一边是我退到了边缘,已经到了上学的年龄却毫无兴趣。)
- 7、China's disinclination to rush to the gates of Space Exploration has likewise been a preference tohang back and see what happens first, rather than make costly mistakes by precipitous action.(中国不急于太空探索之门也同样是一个原因,先看看会发生什么,而不是让鲁莽的行动导致发生代价高昂的错误。)
- 8、I saw him step forward momentarily but thenhang back, nervously massaging his hands.(我看到他向前走了片刻,然后却退缩不前,忐忑不安地搓着手。)
- 9、Hang my coat back, I'm not going now.(请把我的大衣挂回去,现在我还不想走呢。)
- 10、Before realizing this, I'dhang back and listen to everyone, and take everything in, but sometimes go ten minutes or more without uttering a word.(在认识到这一点之前,我畏缩不前,倾听每个人的高谈阔论,接纳他们所说的一切,有时连续十分钟(甚至更久)一言不发。)
- 11、Drum dancers and Reba dancers put on colorful clothes, hang big drums on their waists, wave the drumsticks, and move ahead and back with a powerful rhythm.(鼓舞者与热巴舞者身穿彩衣、腰桂大鼓、舞动鼓槌、步伐节奏有力地忽进忽退。)
- 12、You'd betterhang back.(你最好向后退。)
- 13、He took away the moon tohang back in the sky.(然后他把月亮带走,挂在了天上。)
- 14、But the interdisciplinary characteristic of Bioinformatics technology, such as complicated mathematics counting, logic analysis, visual data, Often makes biologistshang back.(然而生物信息技术具有跨学科的特点,其中复杂的数学计算、逻辑推导、数据可视化往往令生物学家望而却步。)
- 15、They did not lose their courage, nor did they hesitate orhang back.(他们没有丧失勇气,也没有犹豫或者退缩。)
- 16、Preparatory steps are not irreversible and states should nothang back while this case is being appealed and likely decided by the Supreme Court.(目前高法仍然对医改诉讼案进行审理,先前的准备措施还是有回旋的余地,各个州大可不必拘泥小心。)
- 17、Can you hang up and call back?(您把电话挂了,然后再打过来,可以吗?) (hao86.com好工具)
- 18、But the high price of it makes a lot of demandershang back.(然而路由器的高昂价格却令许多需求者望而却步。)
- 19、Don'thang back waiting for other people to make the first move.(不要干等着别人迈出第一步。)
- 20、Justhang back after class this afternoon and ask him.(今天下午课后留下来问他好了。)
- 21、James will be back at once, hang on.(詹姆斯马上就回来,等一下。)
- 22、The far wiser policy would have been tohang back and make it harder for Putin to find a pretext for invasion.(更明智的对策是踌躇不定,让普金没法找到入侵的借口。)
- 23、You could label yourself shy, but could it be that you like surveying the scene before you jump in, and you have the gift of being able tohang back and think before you speak?(你可以承认自己的胆怯,但是你可以在参加某个场合前提前去现场转转熟悉环境以便消除这种恐惧,而且你有三思而后言的天赋。)
- 24、They will thenhang back on closing the deal.(他们接着会拖延成交这笔生意。)
hang back
英 [hæŋ bæk] 美 [hæŋ bæk]
犹豫; 踊跃不前; 畏缩