1、There is a deep hole in thesidewalk.(人行道上有一个很深的洞。)
2、Glass from broken bottles litters thesidewalk.(碎瓶子的玻璃渣散落在人行道上。)
3、When the glasses arrived, the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto thesidewalk in front of his office.(眼镜送到后,眼科医生把眼镜戴在我脸上,带我走到他办公室前面的人行道上。)
4、"I wish people would not throw orange peel on thesidewalk," said the son.(“我希望人们不要把橘子皮扔在人行道上。”儿子说。)
5、Down thesidewalk, through the garden and you will arrive at the library.(走下人行道,穿过花园,你会到达图书馆。)
6、Look at this beautifulsidewalk palace.(看看这个美丽的路边宫殿。)
7、Thissidewalk is wide.(这条人行道宽阔。)
8、You prefer to park on thesidewalk.(你更喜欢在人行道上停车。)
9、If you have to jump rope, do it in on thesidewalk.(如果你们非要跳绳的话,在人行道上跳。)
10、You are probably on the right track if you feel like asidewalk worm during a rainstorm.(如果你感觉自己像暴风雨中人行道上的虫子,那很可能你就真的走对路了。)
11、She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on thesidewalk.(她还说,在人行道上,男人没有理由走在女人的外面。)
12、One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on thesidewalk.(其中一名示威者,一个年轻的女子,孤独无助地坐在人行道上。)
13、He stood on thesidewalk.(他站在人行道上。)
14、Be careful! Use thesidewalk.(当心!使用人行道。)
15、How could he live on thesidewalk?(他怎么能住在人行道上?)
16、Must I walk on thesidewalk?(我必须在人行道上走吗?)
17、Thesidewalk was dotted with eggshells.(人行道上到处都是鸡蛋壳。)
18、No one may wash a mule on thesidewalk.(任何人都不可在人行道上清洗骡子。)
19、I was walking leisurely on thesidewalk when I heard a loud crash of two veihcles just at the T-junction about 10 meters away.(我正在人行道上悠闲地走着,这时我听到大约10米开外的丁字路口有两辆车很响的撞击声。)
20、A woman pushes a stroller down thesidewalk in front of us.(一个女人推着婴儿车在我们前面的人行道上走。)
21、Don't park the car on thesidewalk.(不要把车停在人行道上。)
22、Rain is on thesidewalk.(雨水落在人行道上。) hao86.com
23、You can use thesidewalk. It's safe.(你可以使用人行道,它是安全的。)
24、The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward thesidewalk.(船几乎停稳了,他慢慢地向人行道靠去。)
25、He walked back to thesidewalk.(他走回人行道。)
26、The driver fled the scene of the accident, leaving the girl to bleed on thesidewalk.(司机逃离了事故现场,留下女孩在人行道上流血。)
27、She could see thesidewalk.(她能看到人行道。)
28、He ran into a friend when he walked on thesidewalk.(他走在人行道上时遇到了一个朋友。)
29、There are many bikes on thesidewalk.(人行道上有很多自行车。)
30、The steepsidewalk was too narrow for them to walk abreast.(这个很陡的人行道窄得不能让他们并排走。)