1、So the onlyrecourse has been to figure out how to best kill the mosquitoes themselves.(所以唯一的希望就是找出能够最好杀死这些蚊虫的办法。)
2、The firstrecourse is often traditional treatment.(首先求助的办法通常是传统的治疗。)
3、If they have disagreements in the future, they will not have a legal (recourse).(如果他们以后出现争议,将无法获得法律支持。)
4、None of this means that anxious smokers who want to stop are withoutrecourse.(以上这些都不能说明急切戒烟者想戒烟的话别无他法。)
5、It may take time, you may have many hurdles to get over, but what otherrecourse is there than resolution?(这个过程需要花些时间,你们可能有许多障碍要跨越,但还有什么办法更能比这个办法好呢?)
6、The losers have been ordinary citizens, ousted from their homes with cut-rate compensation and scant legalrecourse.(普通人一直是输家,他们被从自己家赶了出来,得到的却是打了折扣的补偿和寥寥的法律援助。)
7、Our basicrecourse as creators and consumers of social robots is to proceed carefully.(哪怕是基础赔偿,无论牵涉到开发者,还是社会性机器人的使用者,都应小心前行。)
8、Most had norecourse to the works of earlier scientists and thought that their discoveries were unique to them.(他们中的大多数人并没有依赖早期的科学家,并且认为他们自己是唯一发现这个现象的。)
9、Non-recourse Working Capital Bank loans.(无追索权的营运资本贷款。) (好工具hao86.com)
10、If you received something like that, your onlyrecourse would be to turn the phone off immediately.(如果你收到类似的短信,你唯一能做的就是立即关掉手机。)
11、Of course, money is nice – it brings freedom and opportunities and can be a wonderfulrecourse.(当然了,钱可是好东西–它可以带来自由和机会,并且可以是奇妙的救生索。)
12、It enabled its members to settle their differences withoutrecourse to war.(它使其成员不必诉诸战争来解决他们的分歧。)
13、Hisrecourse to the broad and often tragic sweep of Jewish history won proud approval from his new team of aides.(他的求助对象往往是大批了解犹太族悲惨历史的人,因而获得其新助手团队的赞成。)
14、This tragedy may have forged his need to takerecourse from grief in fantasies of a healing angel.(这场灾难给山姆造成的创伤,一如与劳拉相遇时的喜悦和狂热那样痛苦,那样难忘,他不得不借助幻想的天使来抚平悲剧带来的悲伤。)
15、Jean Valjean directed upon her that heartrending smile to which he occasionally hadrecourse.(冉阿让向她苦笑,有时他就这样笑着。)
16、Given that parkland grazing is illegal, the aggrieved pastoralists are left with no legalrecourse.(考虑到在公园用地上放牧是非法的行为,这些愤愤不平的牧民得不到法律的支持。)
17、The firstrecourse for a Perl programmer is the debugger that comes with Perl.(Perl程序员的第一个资源是Perl所带的调试器。)
18、Nothing in this Article shall affect the right ofrecourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved.(本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。)
19、Your onlyrecourse is legal action.(你的唯一依靠就是诉诸法律。)
20、Another option for banks is to offerrecourse loans to certain staff.(银行可以采取的另外一个方法是给特定的员工提供可追索的贷款。)
21、She made a complete recovery withoutrecourse to surgery.(她未做手术就完全恢复了健康。)
22、transferable L/C withoutrecourse for the full amount.(付款方式为保兑的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的、无权追索的全部金额即期信用证支付。)
23、Think about how many freelancers work without a contract - until a client stiffs them and they have norecourse.(试想一下,有多少自由职业者在接项目时直到当事人强烈要求时才有合同和追索权。)
24、The government, when necessary, hasrecourse to the armed forces.(政府在必要时可以动用军队。)
25、The Fed has fullrecourse to the borrowers capital.(美联储对于贷款方的资金有完全追索权。)