


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:10:00



  • 1、Led by Pantene, the survey is hardlyimpartial, but do men really care about hair this much?(由Pantene带头的研究表明,或许结果并不是那么的公正,但,头发对男人真的那么重要吗?)
  • 2、You cannot hold animpartial judicial inquiry every time a child misbehaves itself.(你不可能在孩子每次犯错误的时候都展开不偏不倚的审判式的调查询问。)
  • 3、Beimpartial: rely only on accepted criteria when judging others or their work.(公平公正:仅用公认标准评判他人或他人的工作。)
  • 4、The idea that journalists should beimpartial in reporting news is a relatively recent one.(新闻工作者应该尽可能的公正地报道新闻这样的一个概念其实是最近才开始流行起来的。)
  • 5、More generally, they encourage respect for the law andimpartial institutions.(更广泛地来说,它们还可以提倡大家尊崇法律及公正机构。)
  • 6、Such testers can offer animpartial opinion of how well features work and whether security is working properly.(这样的测试人员通常可以提供有关功能工作状况和安全性是否工作正常的中肯意见。)
  • 7、Mr Benjamin may, of course, have been trulyimpartial.(当然,Benjamin法官可能确实是公正的。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 8、But my feelings are not only cordial towards him; they are evenimpartial towards Miss King.(可是我情绪上不仅对他没有一些芥蒂,甚至对金小姐也毫无成见。)
  • 9、So finding something that's really is animpartial source is really very difficult.(所以找到,非常公正的资源是非常困难的。)
  • 10、Base decisions onimpartial scientific evidence, not on the claims of the tobacco industry.(决策基础应当是无偏见的科学证据,而不是烟草业的说词。)
  • 11、And should we adopt pure discounting or be temporallyimpartial?(我们应该采用纯粹折价还是时间上的公平观念?)
  • 12、She guesses that moreimpartial counselling might reduce abortions by almost a third, or 60, 000 a year.(她推测更公正的咨询可能减少差不多三分之一的堕胎数,即一年60,000。)
  • 13、A free, fair andimpartial investigation is under way, he said.(他说,一个自由、公平、公正的调查正在进行。)
  • 14、But did Iraqi judges have the experience to deliver a fair andimpartial process?(但是,伊拉克法官是否有足够的经验,去确保庭审公平公正呢?)
  • 15、Career counsellors offerimpartial advice, guidance and information to all pupils.(就业指导员们向所有的学生提供无偏见的建议、指导和信息。)
  • 16、To some extent, our qualified optimism is borne out byimpartial data.(某种程度上,我们所得出的这一合乎条件的乐观是可以为公正数据所证实的。)
  • 17、JUSTICE is meant to beimpartial.(公正就是不偏不倚。)
  • 18、He was a person who was ratherimpartial.(他是一个相当公正的人。)
  • 19、There still aren't many simple options for consumers to findimpartial data on how green a product is.(消费者要想找到对产品是否够环保作公正评估的标准并不容易。)
  • 20、He's absolutelyimpartial.; He is free from any bias.(他丝毫不偏心。)
  • 21、It can help to have animpartial third party look over your work.(让中立的第3方来检查你的工作会有所帮助。)
  • 22、Richard Goldstone has said his team will beimpartial, but it is not yet clear whether Israel will co-operate.(理查德·戈德斯通已声称他们的团队是公正无私的,但是以色列是否给予配合还不明朗。)
  • 23、The immediate effect was that anderson was no longer able to form anyimpartial judgment.(直接的结果是安德森再也不能形成公正的判断。)
  • 24、As chairman, I must remainimpartial.(作为主席,我必须保持中立。)



英 [ɪmˈpɑ:ʃl] 美 [ɪmˈpɑ:rʃl] 
副词: impartially 名词: impartiality
