1、A counterargument is that millions of dollars are spent in elections - including public money in many places - in ways that alienate andmisinform voters. Why is a lottery worse?(反方论点是,有成百上千万美元花在选举上——在很多地方用的是公款——只是起到疏远和误导选民的作用。为什么抽奖更恶劣呢?)
2、You canmisinform this generation, but his genius lives on!(你也许误会了这个年代,但他的天才永生!)
3、Don'tmisinform your doctor or your lawyer.(不要向医生和律师提供错误的信息。) (好工具hao86.com)
4、To avoid conflict, they sometimes deliberatelymisinform each other as to their feelings, personal history, activities, and plans.(为了避免冲突,他们有时故意根据自己的感觉去揣测揭示对方的感觉,个人历史,活动,和计划等。)
5、Viruses will cause much confusion. Even some virus "experts" willmisinform the cause of the virus.(病毒是导致很多问题产生的一个原因,甚至有些专家也会对病毒的产生产生误解。)