


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:15:16



  • 1、Cathy is very warm-hearted. Whenever I asked for help, she always agrees without anyhesitation.(凯西是个热心的人。无论我何时找她帮忙,她总是毫不犹豫地同意。)
  • 2、She answered withouthesitation that, as far as she was concerned, this would be a "privilege".(她毫不犹豫地回答说,在她看来,这将是一种“特权”。)
  • 3、I then registered without anyhesitation.(我毫不犹豫地报了名。)
  • 4、You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams withouthesitation.(你告诉我要放眼地平线,毫不犹豫地追求自己的梦想。)
  • 5、I have nohesitation in recommending her for the job.(我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。)
  • 6、When I saw your volunteer recruitment information, I had nohesitation in applying for it for I really want to participate in this activity.(当我看到你们的志愿者招聘信息的时候,我毫不犹豫就申请了,因为我真的很想参加这个活动。)
  • 7、After a shorthesitation, I asked him if he needed any help.(我犹豫了一下,问他是否需要帮忙。)
  • 8、I asked after a second ofhesitation.(我迟疑了片刻,问道。)
  • 9、Liu typed "Yes!" without anyhesitation.(刘冰没有任何犹豫地打下一个字:“想!”)
  • 10、On that day, she jumped into the sea without anyhesitation and swam towards the opposite bank.(那天,她毫不犹豫地跳进海里,向对岸游去。)
  • 11、Weak as he seemed, he went straight into the sea with nohesitation.(虽然他看上去很虚弱,但他还是毫不犹豫地径直朝大海走去。)
  • 12、Referee Michael Reed had nohesitation in awarding a penalty.(裁判迈克尔·里德毫不犹豫地判了罚球。)
  • 13、After a moment'shesitation he looked up innocently and asked, "What was the Great Seal like, my lord?"(犹豫了一会儿,他无辜地抬起头问道:“御玺长什么样呢,伯爵?”)
  • 14、This time there was nohesitation.(这时我已没有犹豫。)
  • 15、She agreed without the slightesthesitation.(她毫不犹豫地同意了。)
  • 16、Asked if he would go back, Mr. Searle said after somehesitation, "I'll have to think about that."(当被问及他是否愿意回去时,瑟尔先生迟疑了一下后说:“我得考虑一下。”)
  • 17、Yet thehesitation is understandable.(然而,犹豫是可以理解的。)
  • 18、Can you answer withouthesitation?(你能不假思索的脱口而出吗?) hAo86.com
  • 19、The board said it had nohesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer.(董事会说它毫不犹豫地一致否决了那项提议。)
  • 20、The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract withouthesitation.(绝大多数运动员当然会毫不犹豫地签这份合同。)
  • 21、The researcher noted that the dolphin is quite eager to press the paddle when it was sure of the answer, but exhibitedhesitation during difficult trials.(研究人员注意到,海豚在确定答案时会很着急地按下踏板,但在难度高的测验中则表现出犹豫。)
  • 22、After the slightesthesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help her find something.(我稍稍犹豫了一下,走过去问她是否需要我帮她找些东西。)
  • 23、Brian'shesitation was almost imperceptible.(布莱恩的犹豫几乎难以察觉。)
  • 24、He handed it out withouthesitation.(他不假思索的把它交了上去。)
  • 25、I had nohesitation in naming him (as) captain.(我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。)
  • 26、He accepted the job offer withouthesitation.(他毫不迟疑的接受了这个工作。)
  • 27、Those fears may be a factor in a lingeringhesitation to share data even when publishing in journals that mandate it.(这些担忧可能是人们在分享数据时犹豫不决的一个因素,即便是在被要求在期刊上发表数据时也是如此。)
  • 28、If you ask me what's my favorite book, I would say Harry Potter withouthesitation.(如果你问我最爱的书是哪一本,我会毫不犹豫地告诉你是《哈利·波特》。)



英 [ˌhezɪ'teɪʃn] 美 [ˌhɛzɪˈteʃən] 
