
quite a few造句

quite a few造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:33:26


quite a few造句

  • 1、quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.(相当多的人正在外面烈日下吃东西。)
  • 2、And he was doingquite a few studies with them.(确实他们用它来做了不少的研究。)
  • 3、I've been therequite a few times.(我去过那里好多次了。)
  • 4、If we knew all the facts, I think we'd find that he's been covering for Marsha onquite a few projects.(如果我们知道所有的事实,我想我们会发现他一直在为玛莎的一些项目做掩护。)
  • 5、quite a few who have foot ulcers.(有很多吧,患有足溃疡。)
  • 6、I madequite a few suggestions for the distribution, other people we could send it to as well as museum staff.(针对影碟的分配,我提了一些建议,除了发给博物馆员工外,还可以分发给其他人。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 7、As to regrets, Mr Bush hasquite a few.(说到遗憾,布什先生也有一些。)
  • 8、There arequite a few new things here.(这里有许多新内容。)
  • 9、Looking around the carriage, I sawquite a few people like him, including a couple of fatty children with swollen cheeks pressing against their eyes.(环顾车厢四周,我看到不少像他这样的人,其中有两个胖胖的孩子,脸颊浮肿,挤得眼睛都眯成了一条缝。)
  • 10、I mean if you — I ownquite a few companies.(我的意思是——如果你——我掌控着几个公司。)
  • 11、This scenario addsquite a few functions here.(这个场景增加了许多功能。)
  • 12、This box of glasses has been bumped about all the way here andquite a few pieces are broken.(这箱玻璃杯一路上磕磕碰碰的,碎了不少。)
  • 13、We haven't seen each other forquite a few days.(咱们有日子没见面了。)
  • 14、There arequite a few different public schools in San Francisco.(旧金山有很多不同的公立学校。)
  • 15、I would certainly tell him if I saw him, but I haven't seen him around forquite a few days.(如果我见到他,我肯定会告诉他的,但我已经好几天没见到他了。)
  • 16、I havequite a few students though.(不过我有不少学生。)
  • 17、There arequite a few hostels for backpackers there.(那里有不少供背包客住宿的招待所。)
  • 18、Most surprisingly,quite a few said they don't intend to vote at all.(最令人吃惊的是,相当一部分人说他们根本不打算投票。)
  • 19、At the moment, we don't have exact numbers of guests and though we usually only cater for groups of less than fifty, we will havequite a few more than that.(目前我们没有确切的客人人数。虽然我们通常只接待50人以下的团体,但我们这次将迎来更多的客人。)
  • 20、I metquite a few incredible, life changing, people.(我遇到了相当多不可思议的、改变了生活的人们。)
  • 21、Persons ofquite a few already had on time energy more "betweenwhiles".(相当多的人时间精力上有了更多的“余暇”。)
  • 22、The building needsquite a few repairs.(这栋楼不少处需要修缮。)
  • 23、quite a few people were milling around, but nothing was happening.(好些人在转来转去,但什么都没发生。)
  • 24、They had visitedquite a few cities and towns in China by the end of last week.(直到上周末,他们已经访问了很多中国大大小小的城市。)
  • 25、Tibet is so attractive that I have been there forquite a few times.(西藏非常吸引人,我去过那里好多次了了。)
  • 26、We sawquite a few excellent films.(我们看了好几部非常好的电影。)
  • 27、I haven't seen you forquite a few days.(我好几天没见到你了。)
  • 28、quite a few people are going to arrive early.(相当多的人打算早到。)
  • 29、I foundquite a few classmates congenial to me.(我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。)
  • 30、They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will lastquite a few days.(他们说今晚会有暴风雪,寒冷的天气会持续好几天。)

quite a few基本释义

quite a few

英 [kwait ə fju:] 美 [kwaɪt e fju] 