


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:15:06



  • 1、similarly, Luo says, some Chinese who have traveled widely have also begun to realize their own country's vast potential for tourism.(同样地,罗说到,一些曾到过很多地方的中国人也已经开始认识到本国旅游业的广阔前景。)
  • 2、Although polar bears' locomotion issimilarly inefficient, polar bear cubs walk along with their mother.(尽管北极熊的运动能力同样低下,北极熊幼崽还是和妈妈一起前行。)
  • 3、similarly, it's smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily into a pocket or handbag.(同样,它比大多数竞品都要小,因此很容易放进口袋或手袋里。)
  • 4、similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortcomings.(同样地,那些能够以幽默宽容的眼光看待世界的人,往往同样会原谅自己的缺点。)
  • 5、similarly, Virgo renders the much-needed stability to the relationship and helps the Pisces in decision making.(同样地,处女座给双鱼座带来了稳定的关系,并帮助双鱼座做出决定。)
  • 6、Natural gas and coal—also fossil fuels—havesimilarly seen price declines that look to be long-lived.(天然气和煤炭——还有化石燃料——也出现了类似的长期价格下跌。)
  • 7、similarly, Alison Jamison of New York decided with her husband that their child had a right to their own online identity.(同样,纽约的艾莉森·贾米森和丈夫决定,他们的孩子有权拥有自己的网络身份。)
  • 8、Dairy cattlesimilarly produce vast quantities of GHG emissions.(奶牛也同样产生大量的温室气体。)
  • 9、similarly, some male authors, disgruntled by the emergence of great numbers of women writers, expressed contempt for the genre.(类似地,一些男性作家对大量女性作家的出现感到不满,对这一流派表示蔑视。)
  • 10、similarly, less urbanized countries such as Cambodia and Ghana had voting rights for women long before Switzerland did.(同样,在柬埔寨和加纳等城市化程度较低的国家,妇女拥有投票权的时间比瑞士的要早得多。)
  • 11、When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and actsimilarly, on the job at least.(当人们长得很像时,他们的思维、说话和行为都很相似,至少在工作中是这样。)
  • 12、Same-sex marriages are not recognized.similarly, marriages of close relatives are not legal.(同性婚姻得不到承认。同样,近亲结婚也不合法。)
  • 13、similarly, Lara, who argued the board was black, was shocked to see a white one.(同样地,认为板子是黑色的拉娜,看到白色的板子时很震惊。)
  • 14、similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Neanderthal man is shown making a dominant gesture to his wife.(同样的,在华盛顿的自然历史博物馆里,尼安德特人对妻子做出一个强势的手势。)
  • 15、Just half a dozen holiday-makers have reached orbit since then, forsimilarly astronomical price tags.(从那之后,只有6个度假者到达了太空轨道,价格也同样是天文数字。)
  • 16、similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop.(同样地,如果你真的想节省时间,你不要用电动搅拌机做蛋糕,你可以在商店买一个。)
  • 17、similarly, sensation-seekers enjoy frightening horror movies.(同样地,寻求刺激的人喜欢恐怖电影。)
  • 18、Most of the men who now gathered around him again weresimilarly dressed.(现在重新聚在他周围的大多数人穿着差不多的衣服。)
  • 19、Her servants weresimilarly, if less ostentatiously attired.(她的仆人们穿着相似,只是没那么华丽耀眼。)
  • 20、Other neuroscientists and psychologists havesimilarly exposed their work.(其他神经科学家和心理学家也同样地公开了他们的研究成果。)
  • 21、similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another.(同样,学习一门新的语言和风俗习惯的需求可能会使某个人感到兴奋而另一个人感到害怕。)
  • 22、If we weren't on our devices, we'd likely do somethingsimilarly unproductive.(如果我们不是在用自己的设备,我们很可能会做一些同样没有效率的事情。)
  • 23、similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the lay visitor.(同样,这些物品所附的信息对外行访客来说往往意义不大。)
  • 24、Bill Mickbbensimilarly worries in The Guardian about the Midwest drought and corn prices.(比尔·米克本在《卫报》上也同样表达了对中西部的干旱和玉米价格的担忧。) Hao86.com
  • 25、An analogy might be the Plaza Agreements with Japan in the 1980s when the Japanesesimilarly built up a huge imbalance.(日本在20世纪80年代签署的《广场协议》或许可以作为类比,当时日本同样积累了巨大的失衡。)
  • 26、Both companies aresimilarly priced at just under $40.(两家公司的定价都差不多,都在40美元以下。)



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