


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:15:06



  • 1、He's got this fixation withcleanliness.(他有洁癖。)
  • 2、She is obsessional aboutcleanliness.(她有洁癖。)
  • 3、If you're worried aboutcleanliness, check out the bathroom.(如果你担心卫生问题,检查一下洗手间。)
  • 4、Butcleanliness comes with a price, too.(但是,清洁也有代价的。)
  • 5、cleanliness - Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation.(洁净——不要容忍身体、衣服或行为习惯上的不洁净。)
  • 6、White means safety, purity, andcleanliness.(白色意味着安全、纯洁和清洁。)
  • 7、Indexes of quality andcleanliness of the workshop.(车间的质量指标和清洁程度。)
  • 8、cleanliness is next to godliness, they say.(清洁紧挨着“圣洁”,他们说。)
  • 9、T he function of filters in a hydraulic system is to maintain fluidcleanliness.(液压系统中过滤器作用是维持流体的清洁度。)
  • 10、You know,cleanliness is close to...(你知道干净近乎于……¬算了。)
  • 11、Many of the state's beaches fail to meet minimum standards ofcleanliness.(该州的许多海滩没能达到最低清洁标准。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 12、Being perfectionists, they like order andcleanliness in their home.(作为完美主义者,他们喜欢把家收拾的干干净净。)
  • 13、Some people are obsessive aboutcleanliness.(有些人有洁癖。)
  • 14、Europe's reputation forcleanliness has already taken some knocks.(欧洲清廉的美誉已受到些许冲击。)
  • 15、When it comes to matters of personalcleanliness, will we soak in a bath?(在涉及到个人卫生方面,我们还会泡在浴缸里吗?)
  • 16、The same person said that the standard ofcleanliness was pretty good, and especially the bathrooms, they were excellent as far as that went.(同一个人说清洁度标准非常好,尤其是浴室,就目前而言,它们的清洁度是极好的。)
  • 17、The 20% review should focus on initial design and codecleanliness.(20%复查应当关注初始设计和代码的整洁。)
  • 18、But is that because the brain somehow links physical and moralcleanliness?(这是因为大脑不知怎的将身体的清洁与精神上的洁净联系起来了?)
  • 19、It also showscleanliness and safety.(它还表现清洁和安全。)
  • 20、A number of Britain's beaches fail to meet European standards oncleanliness.(英国有几处海滩不符合欧洲的清洁标准。)
  • 21、In the West, standards ofcleanliness seem to have moved beyond science into the realm of fashion and fad.(在西方,清洁的标准似乎超过了科学而进入到了一种流行或者时尚的潮流中。)
  • 22、cleanliness, toilets and crowding...(卫生条件、洗手间和拥挤程度。)
  • 23、The white clothing conveyed an image ofcleanliness, according to Carême—and in his realm, appearance was everything.(根据卡莱梅的说法,白色的衣服传达了一种洁净的形象——在他的世界里,外表就是一切。)
  • 24、Because they have an instinct forcleanliness.(因为他们有清洁的本能。)
  • 25、I told the manager I wanted to check thecleanliness of his kitchen.(我对经理说要看看厨房的卫生情况。)
  • 26、White symbolizes purity,cleanliness, and sophistication.(白色象征纯洁、洁净和成熟。)
  • 27、I can't overemphasize thecleanliness of this place.(这里的清洁卫生我怎么强调也不为过。)



英 [ˈklenlinəs] 美 [ˈklenlinəs] 
