


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:14:20



  • 1、A policy defines a particularcapability or constraint.(策略定义特定的功能或约束。)
  • 2、Thiscapability is shown in Listing 18.(清单18中显示了这种能力。)
  • 3、Devote spare time of yours to accompany the amentia students on playing and studying by showing them your behavior to upgrade their stand-alonecapability.(奉献你的时间,陪同智障学员一起游戏和学习,通过自身行为引导智障学员,提升学员的独立能力。)
  • 4、No one ever questioned hercapability.(从来没有人质疑过她的能力。)
  • 5、Only a few other drugs, such as methohexital, etomidate, or propofol have thecapability to induce anesthesia so rapidly.(只有少数其他药物,如美索比妥、依托咪酯、异丙酚有能力迅速诱导麻醉。)
  • 6、For managers, this means that employees must have thecapability of doing the job and must regard the appraisal process as valid.("对管理者来说,这意味着,员工必须要有完成工作的能力,而且必须要认为这种评价过程是有根据的。)
  • 7、Enhanced problem-solvingcapability is also reported.(加强解决问题的能力也被提到。)
  • 8、Their militarycapability has gone down because their air force has proved not to be an effective force.(他们的军事力量已经削弱了,因为其空军被证明不是一只有战斗力的队伍。)
  • 9、To understand thiscapability, we'll look at four examples.(为理解这一能力,我们将看到以下四个例子。)
  • 10、Researchers have long been interested in whether animals possess thiscapability, but couldn't test it because animals aren't able to report their feelings.(研究人员长期以来一直对动物是否具有这种能力很感兴趣,但由于动物无法表达感受而无法进行测试。)
  • 11、Low load levelcapability.(低负载级别能力。)
  • 12、They both have thecapability of winning.(他们都具备获胜的能力。)
  • 13、Unit testcapability.(单元测试能力。)
  • 14、Add thecapability if needed.(如果需要就添加此功能。)
  • 15、What is a software developmentcapability assessment?(什么是软件开发能力评估?)
  • 16、If you lose thecapability, you lose it forever.(如果你一旦失去这个能力,你就将永远失去它。)
  • 17、Middle school is an important age because students have enough mathcapability to solve advanced problems, but they haven't really decided what they want to do with their lives.(中学是一个重要的年龄段,因为学生有足够的数学能力来解决高级问题,但他们还没有真正决定他们在生活中想做些什么。)
  • 18、It is a question of industrialcapability.(关键是工业能力的问题。)
  • 19、People experience differences in physical and mentalcapability depending on the time of day.(视一天中的不同时候而定,人们会经历体能和智能上的差异。)
  • 20、Companies begin by acquiring manufacturingcapability.(企业开始是获取制造能力。)
  • 21、We needed lifecyclecapability.(我们需要生命周期能力。)
  • 22、Denmark has few natural resources, limited manufacturingcapability; its future in Europe will be as a broker, banker, and distributor of goods.(丹麦自然资源匮乏,生产能力有限;未来它在欧洲将成为一个经纪人、银行家和商品经销商。)
  • 23、It is acapability only given to individuals.(这是一种只赋予个人的能力。)
  • 24、We have capacity andcapability, do we have throughput?(我们有能力和资源,但是我们有产出么?)
  • 25、He also likes the chatcapability.(他也喜欢聊天功能。)
  • 26、This would greatly enhance the itscapability.(这将极大增强它的能力。)
  • 27、capability to save and compare performance metrics.(有能力保存并比较性能指标。) hao86.com
  • 28、Provide auditcapability.(提供审核性能。)



英 [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti] 美 [ˌkeɪpə'bɪləti] 
名词复数: capabilities

