
更新时间:2024-08-27 12:14:38



  • 1、But acleaner who works in the Tate Gallery in London isn't able to tell the difference.(但在伦敦泰特美术馆工作的一名清洁工却分辨不出两者的区别。)
  • 2、I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis , until our usualcleaner returns.(我已安排了在清洁工回来之前每天的清洁工作。)
  • 3、George squatted on the toilet and peeped forth from his lair to watch her emptying the dust bag of her vacuumcleaner into the trash can.(乔治蹲在马桶上,从他的窝里探出头来,看着她把吸尘器上的尘袋倒进垃圾桶。)
  • 4、The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers acleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.(前者提供了更多的刺激和便利,而后者提供了一个更干净、更安静、通常也更友好的居住环境。)
  • 5、A sweeper could have a look around for a job as a janitor or acleaner.(清洁工可以找一份看门人或清洁工的工作。)
  • 6、Since 2006, in France, an unknown gang of thieves have been emptying supermarket safes, using nothing more than a drill and a modified vacuumcleaner.(自2006年起,法国有一个不知名的盗窃团伙专门开超市保险箱,所用的工具只有电钻和改造的真空吸尘器。)
  • 7、We placed an advertisement for acleaner in the local paper.(我们在当地报纸上登了广告,招一名清洁工。)
  • 8、But Sadoway isn't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to acleaner, more efficient, and more equitable energy future.(但萨多维并不是唯一一个鼓吹能源储存是通向更清洁、更高效、更公平的能源未来的缺失环节的人。)
  • 9、Before leaving, Mr. Seymour turned off the vacuumcleaner and the water valve.(在离开之前,西摩先生关掉了真空吸尘器和水阀。)
  • 10、Go "hand-in" to touch a shark, a crab, or thousands of tinycleaner fish that will bite playfully at your fingers.(亲手触摸鲨鱼、螃蟹,或数以千计的小清洁鱼,它们会开玩笑地咬你的手指。)
  • 11、If the environment is taken good care of, we'll have acleaner and greener world.(如果环境得到很好的保护,我们会有一个更干净、更绿色的世界。)
  • 12、Instead of flushing, they work like a vacuumcleaner sucking away the astronaut's waste.(不是冲洗,而是像真空吸尘器一样吸走宇航员的排泄物。)
  • 13、This new kitchencleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.(这种新的厨房清洁剂能去除油渍和污垢。)
  • 14、Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage further innovation in, and adoption of,cleaner energy technologies.(尽管最近在开发可再生燃料方面取得了重要进展,但化石燃料价格较低这一因素可能会阻碍清洁能源技术的进一步创新和应用。)
  • 15、He was a windowcleaner.(他是一名窗户清洁工。)
  • 16、The dust is drawn into the vacuumcleaner.(灰尘被吸入了真空吸尘器。)
  • 17、It is saying that economic development should make for acleaner world?(经济发展应该有助于建设一个更清洁的世界?)
  • 18、He could also learn to use the vacuumcleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.(他还能学习使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。)
  • 19、It must be the windowcleaner working upstairs.(一定是楼上的窗户清洁工干的。)
  • 20、After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the drycleaner and the food stores.(放学后,我接了尼克和特德,然后去了那干洗店和食品店。)
  • 21、There is strong evidence that both innovation and adoption ofcleaner technology are strongly encouraged by higher fossil fuel prices.(有强有力的证据表明,化石燃料价格的上涨有力地促进了创新并促使我们采用更清洁的技术。)
  • 22、He could hear the whir of a vacuumcleaner.(他能听到吸尘器的嗡嗡声。)
  • 23、Because a besom looks cooler then the other and if someone meet with a stronger, he can hide himself as acleaner.(因为扫帚看起来比另一个更酷,如果有人遇到一个强者,他可以隐藏自己作为一个清洁工。)
  • 24、Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted business to fundcleaner energy sources.(一些增长来自政府的承诺和有远见的企业对清洁能源的投资。)
  • 25、The main reason people pay extra for a Dyson is because it is a vacuumcleaner with a trendy brand.(人们愿意花更多的钱买戴森是因为它是一个时尚品牌的真空吸尘器。)
  • 26、I have a dishwasher, acleaner and a husband.(我有一台洗碗机、一个清洁器和一个丈夫。)
  • 27、Nuclear power iscleaner than coal.(核能比煤更清洁。)
  • 28、Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake's waters have becomecleaner.(最近,随着工业污染物排放的减少和湖水的清洁,鱼类数量有所恢复。)
  • 29、We are looking forward to acleaner and better environment by changing our life style.(我们期待通过改变我们的生活方式来创造一个更干净、更好的环境。)
  • 30、The Soviet scientist made his experiments with a bad light, on wooden tables, using an old vacuumcleaner instead of a compressor.(这位苏联科学家在木桌上,借着糟糕的灯光做实验,用的是旧吸尘器而不是压缩机。)



英 [ˈkli:nə(r)] 美 [ˈklinɚ] 
