


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:33:19



  • 1、Mr O 'toole's writing issplendidly sharp, but his conclusion seems too gloomy.(奥图尔的作品写得出奇尖锐,但他的结论似乎过于悲观。)
  • 2、Whatever the flaws, this remains an often gripping (andsplendidly illustrated) work from which two main lessons can be drawn.(瑕不掩瑜,本书仍是一本引人入胜(插图精良)的作品,从中至少可以窥得两点。)
  • 3、As soon as he settled down to his new job, Alex got aheadsplendidly.(亚历克斯一旦安下心来致力于新的工作,就取得了显著的进展。)
  • 4、There, too, I saw manysplendidly-dressed paroquets, that told the drollest stories, and the wildest fairy tales without end.(在那儿,我还看到许多打扮得漂漂亮亮的小鹦鹉,它们讲着最滑稽的故事,还有没完没了的荒诞童话。)
  • 5、The iron teakettle was hissingsplendidly over live coals.(铁茶壶在熊熊燃烧着的煤块上“嘶嘶”作响。)
  • 6、I believed that I can be competent it, and achievessplendidly.(我相信我能胜任它并且做到最出色。)
  • 7、You all playedsplendidly.(你们都表现得很出色。)
  • 8、Bottlenecks are what prevent progress, even if the rest of your system is workingsplendidly.(瓶颈阻止你的进步,即使你的剩余部分做的很好。)
  • 9、These are the explosive questions that Henry Hitchings tacklessplendidly.(这些都是亨利•希契斯漂亮解决的爆炸性问题。)
  • 10、Birch plywood selected for their light and warm colours, wassplendidly created by a local carpenter.(他们选用了颜色明亮温暖的桦木胶合板,由当地一位工匠用漂亮的技艺制作而成。)
  • 11、It HAS gone onsplendidly for years, and the party isn't quite finished yet.(数年以来,这个派对精彩纷呈。目前为止,它尚未完全结束。)
  • 12、I have heard him tell people that we get alongsplendidly.(我听见他跟人说我们相处得非常好。)
  • 13、What asplendidly Orwellian notion that is, and he is at least half-way to reaching his goal.(奥威尔(Orwellian)如此出色的概念表示,他至少有一半的可能达成他的目标。)
  • 14、The wood flamed upsplendidly under the large brewing copper, and it sighed so deeply!(木柴在那个正在烧酒的大铜锅下熊熊地燃烧起来,发出一声深沉的叹息。)
  • 15、Meanwhile, in this course, he will give you more better resource, can help you to finish the task moresplendidly.(同时,在这个过程中,他会给你更多更好的资源,可以帮你把任务完成得更出色。)
  • 16、Our father came out into the dining hall deckedsplendidly in his golden robes and red silk stockings, with Morrani by his side, attired just as fashionably.(父亲到达用餐殿,身穿金色长袍,红色丝质高筒袜,一身高贵,莫瑞尼在一旁陪伴,穿着同样华丽。)
  • 17、That is just because you are there in a magnificent corner in my life and shiningsplendidly there.(那是因为你隐藏在我的生命里,在一个华丽的角落灿烂的闪烁。)
  • 18、They have acquitted themselves of various dutiessplendidly.(他们出色地完成了各项任务。)
  • 19、Turkish entrepreneurs have respondedsplendidly to the new opportunities created by a stronger economy.(面临走势坚强的经济,土耳其的企业家们很好地加以回应。)
  • 20、In the house on the left of ours lived an old woman named Lucy. She and my parents got alongsplendidly.(我家左边住着一位老太太,名字叫露西,我们的关系相处得尤其的好。)
  • 21、The room wassplendidly decorated.(屋子里布置得富丽堂皇。)
  • 22、It grewsplendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands.(它新鲜的枝叶垂向这个石像、一直垂到那蓝色的砂底。) hao86.com
  • 23、The old woman dressed even moresplendidly.(那位老妇人穿著更为华丽。)



英 ['splendɪdlɪ] 美 [ˈsplɛndɪdlɪ] 
