1、It should involvefair play, team spirit and individual excellence.(它包括公平比赛,团队精神和个人能力。)
2、She was astonished that she found nofair play.(她感到惊讶的是,她发现她没有得到公正的对待。)
3、fair play to them for turning up really. It would be easy to just give in and let their heads drop but we'll fight on.(公平竞赛让大家都乐意参与其中,要放弃很容易,不过我们会继续。)
4、She's probably the biggest star to visit.fair play to her, it's a dangerous place to come. '.(她可能是来访的最大牌明星,平等对待她,这是危机四伏的地方。)
5、Ryan:fair play to them! Lord knows I could do with that kind of money.(瑞恩:对他们来说真是个好消息!上帝知道我会处理那笔钱的。)
6、His sense of decency andfair play made him refuse the offer.(他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这个提议。)
7、Such tricks offend their sense of technical accuracy andfair play.(那些技巧与开发人员与生具有的精确技术和公平竞赛的精神相冲突。)
8、We have just seen a beautiful Champions League final with Barcelona, withfair play.(我们刚刚看过一场精彩绝伦的欧冠联赛决赛,曼联和巴萨的这场比赛是公平竞赛。)
10、We have to care about equity. We have to care aboutfair play.(我们不得不关注平等,不得不关注公平条件。)
11、The task of the organization is to ensurefair play when food is distributed to the refugees.(该组织的任务就是把粮食分给难民时要保证公平合理。)
12、A good relationship begins with honesty andfair play so do your best not to give false impressions.(好的关系要从真诚和公平开始,所以尽量做到最好,不要给人错误的印象。)
13、All the competitors agree to observe the spirit offair play in all of the games.(所有参赛者都同意在所有比赛中遵循公平竞争的精神。)
14、In your lightest games you have always someone to see what you call "fair play".(在最不重要的比赛中,你总是请人做裁判,确保人们常说的公平竞赛。)
15、It may be that the notion offair play is an intangible equivalent of these systems.(也许公平观念是这些系统的无形对等。)
16、There must befair play whatever the competition is.(不论是什么样的比赛都必须平正合理。)
17、Is it mutual understanding, friendship, unity andfair play?(是不是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争?)
18、Introduce preschoolers to the concept of sharing andfair play with this fun game.(介绍学龄前儿童的概念和公平分享这个有趣的游戏。)
19、Although winning is a great feeling, all the competitors agree to observe the spirit offair play in all of the games.(虽然获胜感觉很棒,但所有参赛者都一致认为应在所有比赛中遵循公平竞争的宗旨。)
20、In Britain, at least, the explanation might lie in something more local: the traditional British sense offair play.(至少就英国而言,问题的答案也许更多的在于地方层面,即,传统英国人的公正意识。)
21、That's notfair play.(那比赛不公平。)
22、Nofair play. Once down, that was the end of you.(就是这样,这是一场不公平的战斗,一旦倒下,你将会被终结。)
23、THERE is a lingering assumption among Britons that their country stands for probity andfair play.(英国人一直自矜的认为他们的国家建立在正直和公正的基石上。)