2、They have a jealous nature, though they are not particularlypossessive.(他们有嫉妒的天性,尽管他们并不是特别地有占有欲强。)
3、Searching for the base form returns all inflections, including terms withpossessive s, as shown in Listing 9.(搜索基本形式会返回所有的变形词,包括所有格s的词汇,如清单9所示。)
4、As a partner he is neitherpossessive nor jealous.(作为另一半,他的占有欲和嫉妒心都不强。)
5、Searching for the mode withpossessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 10.(使用所有格s模式的搜索只返回精确匹配的结果,如清单10所示。)
6、Danny could be very jealous andpossessive about me.(丹尼会很嫉妒,对我独占欲极强。)
7、A phrase search onpossessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 11.(带所有格s的短语搜索只会返回精确匹配结果,如清单11所示。)
8、If you do, they think you'repossessive and exacting.(要是你那样做了,他们会认为你占有欲太强、太苛刻。)
9、Melly looked around quickly, but no one had noticed hispossessive hold.(梅利赶快看了一下周围,但没人注意到他抓着她。)
10、Do not bepossessive or try to demand her attention.(不要想着占有或者试图要求获得她的注意。)
11、People were verypossessive about their coupons.(人们极爱独享优惠券。)
12、Some parents are toopossessive of their children.(有些父母过分要求子女百依百顺。)
13、possessive pronouns are used after nouns, usually at the end of a sentence.(所有格代名词位于名词之后,通常在一个句子的末端。)
14、In a sentence, apossessive adjective is always used before a noun.(在一个句子里,所有格形容词总是位于名词之前。)
15、possessive nouns are nouns which show possession.(所有格名词是表示拥有权的名词。)
16、Both words are stressed for thepossessive.(所有格的两个单词都要重读。)
17、Thispossessive use was at first confined to the singular.(后一种用法开始只限于单数名词。)
18、Have you been called overlypossessive, overly protective of your partner or children?(你有没有被说过对你的伴侣或孩子拥有、保护程度过大?)
19、He is inclined to bepossessive, and can be tactile with his female companions.(他有很强的占有欲,对女伴很敏感。)
20、He's reallypossessive about women.(他对女人有强烈的占有欲。)
21、They are also extremely jealous andpossessive.(他们还非常嫉妒和占有。)
22、Both can be madly in love andpossessive.(既可以疯狂地爱上和所有格。) hAo86.com
23、But sometimes she's too caring... well... no... she's justpossessive... and... uh...(但是有时候她太关心我了,不,是占有欲太强了。)
24、She was determined to be neitherpossessive nor lacking in devotion. She went worrying off to her beach.(她决心既不要有占有欲,也不能缺乏关爱,她怀着焦虑不安的心情回到了她爱待的海滩。)
25、He is apossessive, duplicitous, and unreasonable man.(他是一个占有欲强,奸诈而又不讲理的男人。)
26、I now understand why the little elephant under the red blanket was sopossessive of the man who had rescued her.(我现在终于明白为何在那红毯子里的小象会对她的救命恩人有这么强的占有欲。)