


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:13:25



  • 1、Thee oldimperialism - exploitation for foreign profit - has no place in our plans.(古老的帝国主义渐——剥夺外国的利益——将不包括在我们的计划之内。)
  • 2、This is notimperialism.(这不是帝国主义。)
  • 3、In Marlow's case, the scenes of torture and slavery can be attributed to Europeanimperialism.(在马洛的情况下,有关场面的酷刑和奴役可以归因于欧洲帝国主义。)
  • 4、[font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]This newRussianimperialism is bad news for all its neighbours.(俄罗斯帝国主义的复兴对所有他的邻国都不是个好消息。)
  • 5、So its antithesis, if anything, was Englishimperialism, not Scottish nationalism.(因此,如果说联合主义存在对立面,那也是英格兰帝国主义,而非苏格兰民族主义。)
  • 6、Roosevelt was determined to destroyimperialism.(罗斯福在摧毁帝国主义的问题上意志坚决。)
  • 7、The forces ofimperialism are on the decline.(帝国主义的力量正在逐渐衰退。)
  • 8、Mr Rogan details the slow encroachment of Europeanimperialism into nearly every corner of the Arab world.(罗根详述了欧洲帝国主义者缓慢入侵阿拉伯世界的几乎每一个角落。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 9、The invasions of the westernimperialism powers shaked the legitimate foundation of this system.(西方列强的入侵动摇了这一制度的合法性基础。)
  • 10、This is also an era of end ofimperialism.(这也是帝国主义结束的时代。)
  • 11、This new Russianimperialism is bad news for all its neighbours.(俄国新一轮的帝国主义对其邻居来说可不是好事。)
  • 12、Our two peoples share the same experience of having been oppressed byimperialism.(我们两国人民都有遭受帝国主义压迫的共同经历。)
  • 13、This marked an initial victory for the struggle againstimperialism and feudalism.(这标志着反帝国反封建的斗争取得了初步胜利。)
  • 14、imperialism is a paper tiger.(帝国主义都是纸老虎。)
  • 15、Might is right — that is the logic ofimperialism.(强权即公理——这是帝国主义的逻辑。)
  • 16、To understand the essence ofimperialism to carve up China.(理解了帝国主义瓜分中国的实质。)
  • 17、Are we witnessing the growth of Han Chineseimperialism?(我们正在见证汉族帝国主义的成长吗?)
  • 18、We should unite and form a league againstimperialism.(我们要团结起来组成一个反帝同盟。)
  • 19、It also creates a sort of two-edged culturalimperialism.(它还创造出一种双刃的文化帝国主义。)
  • 20、I think there is an essential sort ofimperialism.(我认为有这样一种本质帝国主义的存在。)
  • 21、As everybody knows,imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.(大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义。)
  • 22、This global expansion has generated oddly few charges of culturalimperialism.(这种全球性扩张招致的有关文化帝国主义的奇怪指控并不多。)



英 [ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪzəm] 美 [ɪmˈpɪriəlɪzəm] 
形容词: imperialist 副词: imperialistically
