4、The universe ofdiscourse consists of denumerably many individuals.(话语世界由许多个可数的个体组成。)
5、But to create reasonablediscourse about these topics, you have to start somewhere.(但是要发表关于这些主题的论述,您必须从某个位置开始。)
6、The loftydiscourse on "cyberspace" has long changed.(关于“网路空间”的崇高演讲已经历经改变。)
7、Yet a destructive passivity has overtaken ourdiscourse.(然而,一种破坏性的被动占据了我们的话语。)
8、The hysteria of theirdiscourse is but a symptom of the emptiness within.(她们演说的歇斯底里仅仅是内容空虚的标志。)
9、Break the tension with smiles and humor to reinforce the idea that this is friendlydiscourse and that all are working toward a common goal.(用微笑和幽默来打破紧张气氛,强调这是段友好的谈话,并且所有人都在朝着共同的目标努力。)
10、In that case,discourse is the sample plate of mindset.(假设如此,话语就是思维的样板。)
11、Thediscourse stood on the opposite side of human nature then.(当时话语正站在人性的反面上。)
12、There is "the democratizing uniformity of dress anddiscourse, and the casualness and absence of deference" characteristic of popular culture.(流行文化的特点是“着装和话语的民主化统一,以及随意性和缺乏依从性”。)
13、A newdiscourse was rapidly invented.(同时一种新的话语迅速发明出来。)
14、That Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet'sdiscourse.(关于阿波罗是否在背地里偷听诗人的演说。)
15、Companies that do not belong to a community ofdiscourse will die.(企业若不能参与到尚存论说的群体中,只有死路一条。)
16、The universe is also rational and so a coherentdiscourse can be made about it.(宇宙既然是理性的,那么就能够对它做出前后一致的阐明。)
17、They do not have well-established channels ofdiscourse.(他们没有既定的话语渠道。)
18、It's refreshing to see a strong curious clever woman adding her voice to the scientificdiscourse and a field that has been traditionally dominated by men.(看到一位充满强烈好奇心的聪明女性加入科学讨论,并进入传统上由男性主导的领域,这现象令人耳目一新。)
19、Human communities are based ondiscourse-on human speech about human concerns.(人类群体建立在论说的基础上——演讲谈论群体关心的问题。)
20、Apart from that, samediscourse probably leads to different ideals.(除此之外,同样的话语也可能教出些很不同的想法。)
21、So the relationship between history anddiscourse is reciprocal.(所以历史和话语之间的关系是双向的。)
22、Not only do they report on current events but also inform and shape the publicdiscourse.(它们不仅报道时事,而且为公众论述提供信息和塑造形象。)