1、But the temperature in the first reactor rose to 323 degreescentigrade on Tuesday March 29th, which was not a good sign.(但在3月29日星期二,一号核反应堆温度升至323摄氏度,这却不是什么好兆头。)
2、According to the weather forecast, the temperature will drop three to five degreecentigrade tomorrow.(根据天气预报,明天气温要下降三到五摄氏度。)
3、Water freezes at zero degreescentigrade.(水在零摄氏度结冰。)
4、Titanium is strong, light and can withstand temperatures as high as 470 degreescentigrade.(钛的质地坚固轻巧,并且可以承受470摄氏度的高温。)
5、The average temperature is moved up by more than 1 degreescentigrade.(平均气温上升了1摄氏度以上。)
6、The temperature here sometimes goes up to thirty-nine degreescentigrade.(这里有时候也能热到39度。)
7、The number at the bottom is the recommended water temperature incentigrade.(底部的数字为建议性摄氏度水温。)
8、The peninsula that juts out of the continent is warming as fast as anywhere: three degreescentigrade in the past 50 years.(南极洲突出的那个半岛的温度上升跟其他地方一样快:在过去50年里上升了3摄氏度。) hAo86.com
9、Scientists have predicted that the global average temperature will rise by 1-2 degreescentigrade by 2050.(科学家已经预测,到2050年,全球平均气温将上升1到2摄氏度。)
10、When the thermometer is at 0 degreecentigrade, water will freeze.(当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。)
11、When you melt them, cesium melts at about 28 degreescentigrade, gold melts at 1063.(当你把它们熔融时,铯在28度就熔化了,金在1063度才熔化。)
12、There is Bikram, or "hot yoga", done in rooms heated to over 40 degreescentigrade.(有彼克兰瑜伽,又称“热瑜伽”,要在加热到摄氏40度以上的房间里头做。)
13、The temperatures are quite high again it could go from eight hundred and fifty to nine hundred degreescentigrade.(温度十分高,它还能从850上升到,900摄氏度。)
14、This thermometer is calibrated bycentigrade.(这种温度计是用摄氏百分度标定的。)
15、New temperature records were set in Russia (37.8 degreescentigrade) and in Asia (53.5 degrees in Pakistan).(新的高温记录出现在俄罗斯(37.8摄氏度),还有亚洲(53.5摄氏度,巴基斯坦)。)
16、The boiling point of water is 100 degreescentigrade.(水的沸点是摄氏100度。)
17、According to the weather forecast, the temperature will drop three to five degreescentigrade tomorrow.(根据天气预报,明天气温要将下降三到五摄氏度。)
18、A lab in Germany, subjected extremely fine-grained aluminum to a scorching 1,200 degreescentigrade.(在德国的一个实验室里,科学家们在1200摄氏度的高温下得到了一种高密度的铝材料。)
19、And let us assume that the temperature increase is about 50 degreescentigrade, which is the same as 50 degrees Kelvin.(我们假设温度的提升,是约50摄氏度,和50凯氏度差不多。)
20、"Dry basis" means Ore dried at 105 degreescentigrade.(“干吨”指的是105摄氏度干燥后的矿石。)
21、The temperature dropped to minus ten degreescentigrade.(温度降到摄氏零下十度。)
22、This morning his temperature was 39 degrees incentigrade.(今天早上他烧到了39度。)
23、Sometimes it is cold as 26 degrees belowcentigrade.(有时冷到摄氏度零下26度。)
24、And you have this liquid alloy at 600 degreescentigrade, and it turns into a molten salt.(你得到了液态合金,在600度的时候,它就转变成熔融盐。)
25、Ice is only ice is only one-half calorie per gram per degreecentigrade.(冰只有二分之一,卡路里每克每度。)