


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:04:23



  • 1、Knut died in hisenclosure at the Berlin Zoo Saturday morning.(克努特周六上午死在柏林动物园他的饲养场里。)
  • 2、The test mice are placed in individual experimentalenclosure.(试验用的老鼠被安置在单独的试验围场里。)
  • 3、Twenty minutes later, cut up credit CARDS littered theenclosure.(二十分钟后,把信用卡剪掉装起来。)
  • 4、The purpose of thisenclosure remains as mysterious as this whole structure.(这种包围的意图正如整个结构一样让人摸不着头脑。)
  • 5、Friendship loves a free air, and will not be fenced up in straight and narrowenclosure.(友谊需要自由,不只是限定在狭小的圈子里。)
  • 6、Thisenclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen.(这块圈地大得几乎看不见它最外面的围墙。)
  • 7、Tai Shan walked around anxiously in theenclosure.(泰山在围墙内不安地走来走去。)
  • 8、There is a specialenclosure for you in the envelope.(信中为你寄送了一份特殊附件。)
  • 9、The famous polar bear died unexpectedly Saturday in the zoo's polar bearenclosure.(这个有名的北极熊周六在动物园的北极熊场所突然死亡。)
  • 10、Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoorenclosure at the zoo in Berlin, Germany.(德国柏林动物园的北极熊努特正在室外洗澡。)
  • 11、This test ensures that theenclosure will not react chemically with your photos.(摄影活性测试能确保封套不与您的照片发生化学反应。)
  • 12、Half the animals could switch off the current by turning a wheel in theirenclosure, while the other half could mot.(一半的动物可以通过在笼子里转动轮子来切断电流,而另一半可以不动。)
  • 13、This is the classic example of mixing all types of animals into a singleenclosure.(这是将所有类型的动物混合关在单个笼子里的经典示例。)
  • 14、Set the IP address of each controller using the serial port at the back of eachenclosure.(使用每个封装背面的串行口设置每个控制器的IP地址。)
  • 15、These are set using the panel on the back of eachenclosure.(这可通过每个封装背部的面板进行设置。)
  • 16、Inside the eastern side is a rectangularenclosure of about 10 stones.(在东边那块里面又有大约10块石头被包围成矩形。)
  • 17、They decided not to let their new dog run loose, confining it to a fencedenclosure during the day.(他们决定不让他们的新狗乱跑,白天把它关在有围栏的围圈里。)
  • 18、Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in hisenclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.(德国埃伯斯瓦尔德的一家动物园内,一只东北虎在覆盖着积雪的笼子里打滚儿。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、Within those precincts, within thatenclosure, there's a large, open courtyard.(在这些区域内,在围墙内,有一个大的、开放的庭院。)
  • 20、Anenclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.(车阵用运货车围成的围栏,用作营地的防御地区。)
  • 21、enclosure links can reference any type of resource.(enclosure链接可以引用任何类型的资源。)
  • 22、I liked to lean my forehead on my amp's speakerenclosure when I played guitar.(当我弹奏吉他的时候,我喜欢把我的额头凑近音箱。)
  • 23、As you move in, the outer courtyard, the outerenclosure of the sanctuary, bears a slightly higher degree of holiness.(当你搬进去的时候,外面的庭院,也就是圣所的外围,会有更高的神圣度。)
  • 24、Without thisenclosure, but just within the street entrance, sat a grey-haired gentleman at a small table, with a large open ledger of some kind before him.(没有围墙,就在街口,一位白发苍苍的绅士坐在一张小桌旁,面前摆着一本打开的大账本。)
  • 25、And those whose antlers are still not so big are left in theenclosure.(那些鹿角还不太大的被留在围栏里。)
  • 26、You can use wood screws to attach these small pieces to theenclosure side.(可以用木螺丝把这些小件固定在箱体围边上。)
  • 27、Kabul, Afghanistan: a monkey sits on a tree inside a zooenclosure.(阿富汗,喀布尔:动物园里,一只猴子坐在树上。)



英 [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] 美 [ɪnˈkloʊʒə(r)] 
