
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:04:24



  • 1、In the middle to high latitudesrainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.(中高纬度地区的降雨量在过去的20到30年间稳步上升了。)
  • 2、An annualrainfall of four inches is often used to define the limits of a desert.(年降雨量4英寸通常被用来界定沙漠的界限。)
  • 3、A monsoon is a seasonal wind that can bring in a large amount ofrainfall.(季风是一种季节性的风,它可以带来大量的降雨。)
  • 4、As the earth's climate changes andrainfall becomes even less predictable in some places, those answers will grow even more valuable.(随着地球气候的变化和降雨在某些地方变得更加难以预测,这些答案将变得更加有价值。)
  • 5、Therainfall in Wuhan reached a historical peak this year.(今年武汉的降雨量达到历史最高值。)
  • 6、In these areas,rainfall per month exceeds that in the above definition, so other factors must contribute to savanna formation.(在这些地区,每个月的降雨量超过了上述定义中的量,所以一定有其他因素促成草原的形成。)
  • 7、This spring, the town of Oso saw twice the usualrainfall.(今年春天,奥索镇的降雨量是往年的两倍。)
  • 8、The impact ofrainfall upon the surface water and groundwater resources of the desert is greatly influenced by landforms.(降雨对于沙漠地表水和地下水资源的影响很大程度上取决于地形。)
  • 9、But during the past decade, the decliningrainfall has allowed him to plant highly profitable crops.(过去的十年里降雨减少了,这让他有机会种植一些高利润的农作物。)
  • 10、There has been below averagerainfall this month.(这个月的降雨低于平均降雨量。)
  • 11、It depends on the rate at which water enters the lake, and that depends on therainfall and the evaporation rate.(这取决于水进入湖泊的速度,而这又取决于降雨量和蒸发率。) haO86.com
  • 12、The chemical composition ofrainfall changes slightly as raid clouds move.(当雨云移动时,降雨的化学成分略有变化。)
  • 13、Kona and Hilo have approximately the samerainfall in a given year.(科纳和希洛在同一年的降雨量大致相同。)
  • 14、rainfall from a tropical storm dislodged the debris from the slopes of the volcano.(一场热带风暴带来的降雨把岩屑从火山坡上冲走了。)
  • 15、There have been four years of below averagerainfall.(已经有4年降雨量低于平均水平了。)
  • 16、But during the past decade decliningrainfall has allowed him to plant highly profitable crops.(过去十年,降雨量不断减少,这让他可以种植高利润型农作物。)
  • 17、It's believed thatrainfall will stay at the same level if the temperature rises.(人们认为如果气温上升,降雨量将保持在同一水平。)
  • 18、The wildebeests follow, in their migration, the pattern of localrainfall.(角马在迁徙时遵循当地降雨的模式。)
  • 19、Victoria Falls has had above average levels ofrainfall this year.(维多利亚瀑布今年的降雨量高于平均水平。)
  • 20、Properly speaking, tropical rainforests grow in high-rainfall equatorial areas that remain wet or humid all year round.(准确地说,热带雨林生长在高降雨量的赤道地区,这些地区全年保持湿润。)
  • 21、rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow.(降雨量有限,每年融化的雪水洪流冲过平原,成为滋润此地的水源。)
  • 22、Savannas experience an annualrainfall of between 1,000 and 2,000 millimeters.(热带草原的年降雨量在1000毫米到2000毫米之间。)
  • 23、rainfall can revive them in a matter of hours.(降雨可以在几小时内使它们复活。)
  • 24、rainfall is not completely absent in desert areas, but it is highly variable.(沙漠地区并非完全没有降雨,但它的变化很大。)
  • 25、Farmers in South Africa are more at the mercy of nature, especially inconsistentrainfall.(南非的农民更容易受到大自然的摆布,尤其是不稳定的降雨。)
  • 26、rainfall is also increased in cities.(城市的降雨量也在增加。)
  • 27、Record levels ofrainfall fell over the southeast of the country.(该国东南部降下了最高纪录的雨量。)
  • 28、The total annualrainfall is spread pretty evenly throughout the year, and the temperature rarely dips below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.(全年降雨量分布相当均匀,气温很少降到华氏60度以下。)



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