
correspond with造句

correspond with造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 11:44:14


correspond with造句

  • 1、The agent is selected automatically tocorrespond with your profiling Settings.(代理是按照您的性能分析设置自动选择的。)
  • 2、You'll find only the START_TAG and text event types, whichcorrespond with element start tags and element text nodes.(您只会看到START_TAG与TEXT事件类型,它们分别对应于元素开始标签与元素文本节点。)
  • 3、Table 1 also shows a host name called abcdefgh00, which happens tocorrespond with the node name of the system.(表1中还显示了一个名为abcdefgh00的主机名,它正好与该系统的节点名相对应。)
  • 4、But they hadn't known what these sounds were for. So researchers examined how the vocalizations mightcorrespond with behavior.(但科学家不知道它们为什么发出这样的声音,因此研究人员对这种发音行为进行了研究。)
  • 5、It would run every hour, tocorrespond with my one hour sample rate on the HMCs.(它每小时运行一次,这与HMC上一小时的取样速率一致。)
  • 6、The secondary keyscorrespond with primary keys in other tables.(辅键与其它表中的主键对应。)
  • 7、This choice of structurecorrespond with a construction strategy.(这种结构的选择与施工策略相匹配。)
  • 8、For good reception, the length of an antenna needs tocorrespond with the wavelength of the radiation it is receiving.(为了很好地接受信号,天线的长度需要对应它接受的信号的波长。)
  • 9、As a result, this site gained new readers, and I got tocorrespond with Ramit about how to produce a PDF book.(结果,站点得到了新读者,而我也开始跟Ramit联系,了解怎么做一本PDF书了。)
  • 10、I used tocorrespond with my friends by letters while now the Internet is more convenient.(我过去常写信与我的朋友联络,而现在有了互联网就更方便了。)
  • 11、They get thousands of friends and oftencorrespond with them online.(她们由此结识了成千上万的人并与其在网上交流。) haO86.com
  • 12、If these differencescorrespond with the differences in the hemispheric trunkline, there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.(如果这些差异与大脑半球躯干的差异相一致,那么两性之间就有一个不可改变的区别。)
  • 13、You can see from the form of the INSERT INTO in Listing 5 that a table had been created tocorrespond with the element in our DTD.(可以从清单5中INSERTINTO的形式看出,对应dtd中的元素创建了一个表。)
  • 14、The list of genes was shifted with respect to the expression data, so that the one did notcorrespond with the other.(表中基因的一列相对于表达数据发生了调换,导致两项不相对应。)
  • 15、New log chunks are created every so often (like 64 MB, which wouldcorrespond with the size of GFS chunks).(新的log块经常被创建,一般是64M大小,这个GFS的块大小相等。)
  • 16、The category field mustcorrespond with the category's ID.(类别区域必须与类别的id相对应。)
  • 17、Parameters in LaunchStepcorrespond with the incoming data in the Modeler process.(LaunchStep中的参数与Modeler流程中的传入数据对应。)
  • 18、The simplest use of VTs starts a login on one of these tty devices, which tend tocorrespond with Linux VTs.(使用VT的简单用法是登录tty设备之一,然后这个tty设备将与LinuxVT通信。)
  • 19、Each value retrieved via the enumerator shouldcorrespond with one row of the resultset.(通过枚举器检索的每个值都应与结果集的一行对应。)
  • 20、If you do opt to use start nodes, you will need one start node tocorrespond with every input in your process.(如果您的确选择使用开始节点,则流程中的每个输入都需要一个对应的开始节点。)
  • 21、Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don'tcorrespond with what we desire.(实际上,我们所有人都渴望成功,但是有时候我们的行动与目标并不一致。)
  • 22、Each repository you create willcorrespond with a data field in FileNet.(在FileNet中,您创建的每个存储库都与一个数据字段对应。)
  • 23、Vibrant colors usuallycorrespond with more vitamins.(颜色越鲜艳,维他命就越高。)
  • 24、Kwaga displays social network profiles and lists recent email exchanges with people youcorrespond with.(Kwaga可以显示社交网站档案,并列出最近的邮件对话。)
  • 25、Repeat it enough and each network willcorrespond with a single bin.(如果重复的次数足够多,每个网络系统就会与某单一的存储文件内容相一致。)
  • 26、The statistics do notcorrespond with what they provided.(统计数据与他们提供的数据不符。)
  • 27、Thee size of the markerscorrespond with the population of each city.(这些标记的大小则是与各城市的人口数量相对应。。)
  • 28、Table 5 also shows a host name called "bosapora00," which happens tocorrespond with the node name of the system.(表5中有一个称为“bosapora00”的主机名,此名称恰好与节点名相同。)
  • 29、Your account of events does notcorrespond with hers.(你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。)

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correspond with

英 [ˌkɔrisˈpɔnd wið] 美 [ˌkɔrɪˈspɑnd wɪð] 
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