


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:03:46



  • 1、repetition, as they say, is the mother of learning.(正如他们所言,重复是学习之母。)
  • 2、Prepare therepetition calendar.(制作重复学习日历。)
  • 3、repetition helps improve our memory.(重复有助于提高我们的记忆力。)
  • 4、We can think in terms ofrepetition, obviously, as the delay that sets in between an origin and an end.(我们可以从重复的角度来思考,很明显,这就是在起点和终点之间的延迟。)
  • 5、Eachrepetition produces a more exact answer.(每一次重复都产生一个更精确的答案。)
  • 6、He could also have cut out much of therepetition and thus saved many pages.(他本来也可以删掉很多重复的语句,省去很多页数。)
  • 7、Habits are created byrepetition.(习惯是由重复养成的。)
  • 8、And the best way to do that is throughrepetition.(要做成那样的最好办法就是通过重复的方式。)
  • 9、The lastrepetition was successful.(最后一次成功了。)
  • 10、This is one time whenrepetition isokay.(这种时候应该允许重复。)
  • 11、repetition does not lead to understandings.(重复不会获得对事物的理解。)
  • 12、Power and responsibility confusion will make workrepetition, pretermission, and buck-passing.(权力和责任的混淆会使工作重复、遗漏和推诿。)
  • 13、Go back and listen to the song selection and this time pay attention to the melody and torepetition.(返回,再听一遍选择的歌曲,这次要注意旋律和复唱。)
  • 14、repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.(重复并不能把谎言变成真理。)
  • 15、Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends torepetition.(她的散文文风并非一直恰到好处,她会赘叙。)
  • 16、Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs withoutrepetition.(北美歌雀在切换到另一种类型之前,会一声一声地重复其中的一种,与之不同的是,北美歌雀会连续地创作更长的、更多变的歌曲,而不会重复。)
  • 17、Too muchrepetition is hard on the mind.(太多的重复在心理上或吃不消。)
  • 18、We do not want to see arepetition of last year's tragic events.(我们不想看到去年的悲剧重演。)
  • 19、So much needlessrepetition makes the article long-winded.(这样叠床架屋,文章就太罗嗦了。)
  • 20、Speakers may be unable to sustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily onrepetition of the prompt.(发言者可能无法持续讲话来完成任务,并严重依赖反复提示。)
  • 21、repetition is the mother of character and skill.(重复是性格与技巧之母。)
  • 22、repetition is the mother of learning!(重复是学习之母!)
  • 23、The constantrepetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.(持续不断的暴力事件使人们对它的反应减弱了。)
  • 24、What seems to be happening now is arepetition of a familiar process in the country's history, the "Japanization" of an adopted foreign practice.(现在正在发生的似乎是该国历史上一个熟悉过程的重复,即采用的外国做法的“日本化”。)
  • 25、It is real prayer, and not mechanicalrepetition.(这是真正的祈祷,而不是机械式的重复。)
  • 26、After the homework has been discussed, the teacher explains the topic of the lesson, slowly and with a lot ofrepetition and elaboration.("讨论完作业之后,教师会缓慢地、反复精细地讲解这节课的主题。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、There are definitions based on form, circularity, symmetry, economy of form, lack of economy of form, andrepetition.(有定义是基于形式,圆度,对称,形式的精简与否和重复。)
  • 28、Thereis nothing more boring thanrepetition.(没有比重复更无聊的了。)
  • 29、No historical phenomenon is a mererepetition of the past.(任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。)



英 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn] 美 [ˌrɛpɪˈtɪʃən] 
形容词: repetitional
