
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:43:46



  • 1、Annie hesitated for a moment before stepping through thedoorway where, almost at once, she stopped delighted before a green armchair.(安妮犹豫了一会儿,才走到门口,随即欣喜地停在一张绿色扶手椅前。)
  • 2、She stood in thedoorway for a moment before going in.(她在门口站了一会儿才进去。)
  • 3、I bonked my head on thedoorway.(我没留意在门口碰了一下头。)
  • 4、He opened it to find a carpenter standing at thedoorway.(他打开门发现一个木匠站在门口。)
  • 5、It was on Nov 4, 1923, the British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh in Luxor that eventually led to a sealeddoorway.(1923年11月4日,英国考古学家霍华德·卡特在卢克索另一位法老墓的底部偶然发现了一块石头,这块石头最终通向了一个封闭的门口。)
  • 6、I could see a dim shape in thedoorway.(我模模糊糊看见门口有个人影。)
  • 7、A figure stood in thedoorway, silhouetted against the light.(门口站着一个人,屋里的亮光映衬出他的轮廓。)
  • 8、A group of men suddenly emerged from adoorway and moved menacingly forward to block her way.(一群人突然从门口冒出来,向她逼近,堵住了她的去路。)
  • 9、She remained in thedoorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.(她停留在门口,听他喋喋不休地抱怨她的客户。)
  • 10、Two pint-sized kids emerged from adoorway.(两个体型稍小的孩子从门口出现了。)
  • 11、Someone was waiting in the shadowydoorway.(有人守候在昏暗的门口。)
  • 12、'Where is that boy?' As if on cue, Simon appeared in thedoorway.(“那男孩在哪里?”西蒙像是接到了信号一样刚好出现在门口。)
  • 13、He hovered nervously in thedoorway.(他在门口紧张地来回踱步。)
  • 14、He quickly interposed himself between Mel and thedoorway.(他迅速挡在梅尔和门口之间。)
  • 15、Above the ground, thedoorway is small, but inside, the building is huge.(在地面上,门口很小,但里面,建筑很大。)
  • 16、Children came to peep at him around thedoorway.(孩子们来到门口偷看他。)
  • 17、In Russia, it's impolite to shake hands with people in adoorway.(在俄罗斯,在门口与人握手是不礼貌的。)
  • 18、Amy stood quietly in thedoorway watching him.(艾米一声不响地站在门口看着他。)
  • 19、Trooper Onozuki, wearing mask and armor, sits in the otherdoorway, leaning on the sling of the door-gun.(戴着面具和身着盔甲的士兵Onozuki坐在另一个门口,斜靠在门枪的吊索上。)
  • 20、Judith was hovering in thedoorway.(朱迪丝在门口徘徊。)
  • 21、He stopped in thedoorway, too timid to go in.(他在门口停住了脚步,不好意思进去。)
  • 22、In Russia, you should never shake hands in adoorway, and if you're travelling in Thailand, never touch people's heads or point your feet at people.(在俄罗斯,千万不要在门口与人握手,如果你在泰国旅行,千万不要碰别人的头或者用脚对着别人。)
  • 23、It was hardly possible to look at the gentleman's gentleman, so very haughtily did he stand in thedoorway.(他几乎让人不敢看他,因为他是那么骄傲地站在门口。)
  • 24、A crumpled figure lay motionless in thedoorway.(门口躺着一个人,蜷缩成一团,一动不动。)
  • 25、Hannah looked up to see David and another man standing in thedoorway.(汉纳抬起头,看到戴维和另一个男人站在门口。)
  • 26、He lay with his feet towards adoorway, and exactly opposite sat the watchman asleep.(他两脚朝着门口躺着,对面是守夜人,那人坐着睡着了。)
  • 27、A hooded figure waited in thedoorway.(一个戴兜帽的人在门口等候。)
  • 28、They put a table athwart thedoorway.(他们把桌子横放在门口。) 【好工具】
  • 29、"What a dump!" Christabel said, standing in thedoorway of the youth hostel.(克丽丝特布尓站在青年旅舍的门口说道:“真是个肮脏的地方!”)



英 [ˈdɔ:weɪ] 美 [ˈdɔ:rweɪ] 
