
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:43:42



  • 1、Notwithstanding the previous guidelines,purchase at least one spare hard disk for each model hard disk you deploy.(尽管有前面的指导方针,但为您部署的每个模型硬盘购买至少一个备用硬盘。)
  • 2、We only model for browse, select,purchase, and pay.(我们只为浏览、选择、购买和支付建模。)
  • 3、It also mandated that utilitiespurchase wind energy at a preferential price—thus guaranteeing investors a customer base.(它还要求公用事业公司以优惠价格购买风能,从而保证投资者有一个客户群。)
  • 4、They were also spent topurchase music and painting apparatus.(他们还被用来购买音乐和绘画器材。)
  • 5、Physically interacting with an object makes you more committed to yourpurchase.(亲身与物品互动的体验,让你对购买更坚定。)
  • 6、This week he is to visit China to discuss thepurchase of military supplies.(本周他将访问中国,讨论军用物资的采购。)
  • 7、EPIC fronted the money for thepurchase of $2.5 million worth of young bison that will be raised according to its grass-fed protocols, with a guaranteedpurchase price.(EPIC花费资金购买了价值250万美元的幼野牛,这些幼野牛将按照草饲协议饲养,购买价格有保障。)
  • 8、She tried to get apurchase on the slippery rock.(她设法抓牢光滑的岩石。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 9、The shop has about 500 autographed copies of the book available forpurchase.(这家书店有大约500本该书的签名版本可供购买。)
  • 10、The special features can add $25,000 or more to thepurchase price of a house.(这些特殊功能可以使房屋的购买价格增加2.5万美元或更多。)
  • 11、A free notebook is given with everypurchase above $50 at Starlight Stationery.(在星光文具店一次购买超过五十美元的东西,将会免费获得一个笔记本。)
  • 12、They looked with envy at her latestpurchase.(他们艳羡地看着她最近买到的东西。)
  • 13、It was decided (that) the school shouldpurchase new software.(已经决定学校要购买新软件。)
  • 14、We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with yourpurchase.(如果你对购买的商品不满意,我们保证退款。)
  • 15、Wilson will drive to the nearest store andpurchase what's needed.(威尔逊会开车去最近的商店购买需要的东西。)
  • 16、He gave his son some money for thepurchase of his school books.(他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。)
  • 17、This rule has also been applied in the case of apurchase of used tyres and tubes.(这个规定也已经用于购买使用过的轮胎和内胎。)
  • 18、Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property'spurchase price.(投资者可以借与房地产购买价相等数额的款项。)
  • 19、We're buying a new cooker on hirepurchase.(我们以分期付款方式购买一座新炉具。)
  • 20、Thepurchase price includes all the furniture.(此买价包括了所有的家具。)
  • 21、Department stores buyerspurchase the goods that their stores sell.(百货公司的买主购买他们商店出售的货物。)
  • 22、These vouchers are redeemable against any futurepurchase.(这些优惠券将来购物均可使用。)
  • 23、When her deal is done, the client emerges with herpurchase.(交易完成后,顾客拿着购买的东西出来了。)
  • 24、Placing too much emphasis on their opinions can ruin a fantastic homepurchase.(过分强调他们的意见会毁了一笔极好的购房计划。)
  • 25、The island's in the Pacific Ocean; I'm not at liberty to say exactly where, because we're still negotiating for itspurchase.(这个岛屿在太平洋上;我还不能说具体在哪里,因为我们仍然在就它的购买问题进行谈判。)
  • 26、Goods are open to freepurchase.(商品可以自由采购。)
  • 27、She is prepared to offer me an amount adequate topurchase another house.(她准备好了给我一笔足以购买另一所房子的钱。)
  • 28、You canpurchase this TV set on credit.(你可以用赊帐的方式购买这台电视机。)



英 [ˈpɜ:tʃəs] 美 [ˈpɜ:rtʃəs] 
名词: purchaser 过去式: purchased 过去分词: purchased 现在分词: purchasing 第三人称单数: purchases


