1、Some peopleargue that the death penalty should be restored.(有些人主张恢复死刑。)
2、Theyargue continually about money.(他们没完没了地为钱争吵。)
3、Supporters of the death penaltyargue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.(死刑的支持者辩称,死刑可以阻止罪犯携带枪支。)
4、He's a really successful man—you can'targue with that.(他是一个真正成功的人—你不得不承认这个事实。)
5、Don'targue about it.(不要争吵了。)
6、I neverargue with others.(我从不与他人争论。)
7、We seldomargue now.(我们现在已经很少争吵了。)
8、Nobody felt inclined toargue with Smith.(没人想和史密斯争论。)
9、You don'targue.(你不要争论。)
10、The room was so nice it seemed churlish toargue.(这房间这么好,吵架的话就显得无礼了。)
11、I don't think many people wouldargue with that.(我认为许多人对那都不会有争议。)
12、She knew better than toargue with Adeline.(她不会糊涂到和阿德琳争论。)
13、Your parents alwaysargue.(你的父母总是争论不休。)
14、Few willargue with this conclusion.(很少有人会不同意这个结论。)
15、Neverargue with an artist.(绝对不要和艺术家争论。)
16、The crowd continued toargue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.(这群人继续激烈地争论着解决该问题的最好方式。)
17、Who couldargue against motherhood and apple pie ?(谁会反对母性与家庭的温馨呢?)
18、Miller starts toargue with Alice.(米勒开始和爱丽丝争论。)
19、I won'targue with you!(我不会和你争吵!)
20、Don'targue with your mother!(不要和你妈妈争论!)
21、You shouldn'targue.(你们不应该争吵。) haO86.com
22、I'm not disposed toargue.(我无意争论。)
23、Free-marketeers wouldargue that governments do not need to intervene in the currency and interest rate process unduly.(自由市场经济主义者会辩论说,政府不需要过度干预货币和利率过程。)
24、I don't want toargue with you—just do it!(我不想和你争辩—请干吧!)
25、They don't evenargue.(他们根本不会争吵。)
26、Don't agree, but don'targue either(别同意,但是也别争辩。)
27、He would not torture her further by trying toargue with her.(他不会通过和她争吵而进一步折磨她。)
28、There are those whoargue that true independent advice is unattainable.(有些人辩称无法获得真正独立的建议。)
29、Libertariansargue that nothing should be censored.(自由论者主张一切均不应审查。)