


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:03:39



  • 1、The sale ofalcoholic beverages is restricted to those over 21.(酒精饮料只能出售给21岁以上的成年人。)
  • 2、Analcoholic goes an hour without a drink.(一个酗酒的人可以一个小时不喝酒。)
  • 3、His father, analcoholic, left his family soon after.(他的父亲是一个酒鬼,在此不久后便弃家而走。)
  • 4、Avoid smoking and don't drink more than twoalcoholic drinks a day.(避免抽烟以及每日饮用酒精饮料量不超过两杯。)
  • 5、Beer — always served ice cold — is the most popularalcoholic drink.(啤酒——通常都是冰镇的——是最受欢迎的酒精饮料。)
  • 6、The serving ofalcoholic drinks was forbidden after six o'clock.(在6点以后供应酒精饮料是被禁止的。)
  • 7、Hotalcoholic drinks are popular in the UK.(在英国,热酒精饮料很受欢迎。)
  • 8、Never drink more than twoalcoholic drinks.(喝酒不超过两杯。)
  • 9、Can I have something non-alcoholic?(给我来杯软饮料好吗?)
  • 10、One of the three dies analcoholic.(他们三人中有一人死于酗酒。)
  • 11、Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recoveringalcoholic, gets invited to a party.(我们来假设一下这样一个情景,卡罗尔,一个正在康复中的嗜酒者,被邀情去参加一场聚会。)
  • 12、alcoholic drinks were prohibited.(酒精饮料是禁止的。)
  • 13、He showed great courage by admitting on television that he is analcoholic.(他在电视上承认他是个酒鬼,表现出了极大的勇气。)
  • 14、"She's a recoveringalcoholic," Scott explains.(“她正在戒酒。”斯科特解释说。)
  • 15、He grew up and became analcoholic.(他长大后成了酒鬼。)
  • 16、alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.(宾馆的休息室供应酒类饮料。)
  • 17、Non-alcoholic drinks contain mostly water and contribute to your hydration.(不含酒精的饮料主要含有水分,可以帮助你进行水合作用。)
  • 18、Stores should be banned from sellingalcoholic drinks to teenagers.(商店应该禁止向青少年出售含酒精的饮料。)
  • 19、It is veryalcoholic, sometimes near the strength of port.(它的酒精度很高,有时接近于波尔图葡萄酒的浓度。)
  • 20、Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly onalcoholic beverages.(诺韦洛说大学生每年会在各种酒精饮料上花费42亿美元。)
  • 21、Water precipitates camphor from itsalcoholic solution.(水使樟脑从其酒精溶液中沉淀。)
  • 22、Recent archaeological evidence suggests that Chinese farmers concocted analcoholic brew of rice, honey, grape, or hawthorn 9000 years ago.(最新的考古证据说明,中国的农民在9000年前用稻米、蜂蜜、葡萄或山楂酿造酒。) haO86.com
  • 23、The green liquid in the bottle is a non-alcoholic firtree coctail.(瓶中的绿色液体是一种不含酒精的冷杉树汁鸡尾酒。)
  • 24、I'm an addict and analcoholic.(我是一个嗜酒的瘾君子。)
  • 25、Avoidalcoholic beverages.(避免酒精饮料。)
  • 26、The guests left in analcoholic haze.(客人们醉醺醺地离去了。)
  • 27、Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can't escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never married,alcoholic mothers.(即使是在这个虚幻的世界里,黑人女性仍然无法摆脱让人感到反感的性情过度女性的刻板印象,被认为是由我们从未结过婚、酗酒的母亲养大的。)
  • 28、Mr. Keble was analcoholic.(基布尔先生是个酒鬼。)
  • 29、ROGUES GALLERY OFalcoholic ENERGY DRINKS(酒精性功能饮料陈列馆)



英 [ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk] 美 [ˌælkəˈhɔ:lɪk] 

