
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:03:31



  • 1、Should they haveexplicit permission?(他们应该有明确的许可吗?)
  • 2、Here, the evolutionary theory must defer to a theory based on anexplicit developmental mechanism that can favor either right-handedness or left-handedness.(在这里,进化理论必须遵从一种基于明确的发展机制的理论,这种机制既可以支持右撇子,也可以支持左撇子。) hAo86.com
  • 3、She was quiteexplicit about why she had left.(她对自己离开的原因直言不讳。)
  • 4、Here, the evolutionary theory must defer to a theory based on anexplicit developmental mechanism that can favor either right or left-handedness.(在这里,进化理论必须遵从一种基于明确的发展机制的理论,这种机制可以支持右撇子或左撇子的现象。)
  • 5、She made some veryexplicit references to my personal life.(她毫不隐讳地谈到了我的私生活。)
  • 6、Noexplicit permission from ATC to enter is needed, although the pilot must continue to obey all regulations governing VFR flight.(尽管飞行员必须继续遵守有关视觉飞行规则的所有规定,但无需获得空中交通管制的明确进入许可。)
  • 7、The control flow isexplicit.(控制流是显式的。)
  • 8、Instead, they learn bothexplicit and hidden meanings from what they see.(恰恰相反,他们从看到的东西中学到了显性和隐性含义。)
  • 9、Peter gives twoexplicit answers in verse 38 to what they need—what we need.(彼得在38诗节中给出了两个明确的答案,他们需要什么——我们需要什么。)
  • 10、explicit corporate values, for example, produced a greater percentage of decisions that were stressful due to value contention.(例如,明确的企业价值观会导致更大比例的决策因价值争夺而产生压力。)
  • 11、Some laws also stipulate inexplicit terms that Chinese citizens have obligations to take care of parents and raise children.(一些法律也明确规定中国公民有义务赡养父母、抚养子女。)
  • 12、In audio-lingualism, there is noexplicit grammar instruction.(在听说教学法中,教师不必解释文法。)
  • 13、He gave me veryexplicit directions on how to get there.(他清楚地向我说明了去那儿的路线。)
  • 14、However, these novels'explicit acknowledgment of their characters' social and ethnic backgrounds meant that they were not considered "raceless" in the old-fashioned sense.(然而,这些小说明确承认了人物的社会和种族背景,这意味着他们不被认为是传统意义上的“无种族”。)
  • 15、To enter Class B airspace, such as an approach to a major metropolitan airport, anexplicit ATC clearance is required.(需要持有明确的空中交通管制许可才能进入B类空域,如接近一个大都会机场。)
  • 16、Althoughexplicit values created more value contention, they were nonetheless more likely to produce flexible, well-reasoned decisions.(虽然明确的价值观创造了更多的价值争夺,但它们更有可能使人们做出灵活、合理的决定。)
  • 17、When it comes to argumentation writing, the author should beexplicit about his opinion.(说到议论文写作,写作者应该清晰明确地表明他的观点。)
  • 18、They embrace priorities and follow procedures by instinct and assumption rather than byexplicit decision, which means that they've created a culture.(他们通过直觉和假设而非明确的决定,接受优先级并遵循程序,这意味着他们创造了一种文化。)
  • 19、Xenocrates thought that the notion of philosophy curing mankind's anguish isexplicit.(齐诺克雷蒂认为,哲学概念治愈人类的痛苦是显而易见的。)
  • 20、The reasons for the decision should be madeexplicit.(应该直截了当给出决定的理由。)
  • 21、Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number ofexplicit agreements among large firms.(大多数经济学家并不认为价格操纵会发生,因为他们认为这是由大公司之间的一系列明确协议所导致的。)
  • 22、Despite these advantages, implicit conclusions may not always be more effective thanexplicit conclusions.(尽管有这些优势,隐性结论并不总是比显性结论更有效。)
  • 23、In addition, parents and teachers can help children by providingexplicit instruction regarding the mind as a learning machine.(此外,家长和老师可以通过提供明确的指导来帮助孩子,将心智作为一个学习机器。)
  • 24、The brain's level of physiological maturation may support these types of memories, but not ones requiringexplicit verbal descriptions.(大脑的生理成熟程度可能支持这些类型的记忆,但不支持需要明确的语言描述的那种。)



英 [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] 美 [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] 
副词: explicitly 名词: explicitness
