1、I like to hop fromchannel tochannel when I watch TV.(我看电视时喜欢不断地转换频道。)
2、All of which my granddaughter finds boring, and she asks me to change thechannel.(我的孙女觉得这些都很无聊,她让我换个频道。)
3、Trains can reach thechannel more quickly than trucks, and freight cars can be transported to Burland by barges that typically cross thechannel in an hour.(火车到达英吉利海峡的时间比卡车更短,而货车可以通过驳船运到伯兰,驳船通常需要一个小时就能穿过英吉利海峡。)
4、Premiere, a subscriptionchannel which began in 1991, shows live football covering the top two divisions.(始于1991年的一个付费频道实况转播两大顶级足球赛。)
5、Did you watch the 7 o'clock program onchannel 2 yesterday evening?(你昨天晚上看了第二频道7点钟的节目了吗?)
6、How long will it take her to swim thechannel?(她游过英吉利海峡得用多长时间?)
7、We can't getchannel 5 in our area.(我们地区收不到5频道的节目。)
8、Mobile phone reading has become the mainchannel for him to get information.(手机阅读已经成为他获取信息的主要渠道。)
9、My little brother is very naughty who likes to hop fromchannel tochannel when I'm watching TV.(我弟弟非常调皮,他喜欢在我看电视时不断地转换频道。)
10、The newsletter is a usefulchannel of communication between teacher and students.(发简讯是沟通师生的有益渠道。)
11、The formation of thechannel is initiated when electrons surge from the cloud base toward the ground.(当电子从云层底部涌向地面时,通道就开始形成了。)
12、That is why the subsequent lightning that follows the completedchannel often strikes a tall structure.(这就是接下来那些通过这条完整通道的闪电往往会击中高层建筑的原因。)
13、Or so our cousins across thechannel like to have it.(也许我们海峡对岸的堂兄弟们喜欢这样。) 【hao86.com好工具】
14、I hopechannel 4 doesn't bleep it out.(我希望第4频道别盖过这段话。)
15、Turn thechannel – there are too many commercials.(转换一下频道–太多广告了。)
16、Obviously, there's not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.(很明显,除非你有一个非常瘦的脑袋,否则没有多少立体通道分离的感觉。)
17、Other sites identified include the Bristolchannel and the west coast of Scotland, particularly thechannel between Campbeltown and Northern Ireland.(其他确定的地点包括布里斯托尔海峡和苏格兰西海岸,特别是坎贝尔敦和北爱尔兰之间的海峡。)
18、What's onchannel 4 tonight?(电视四台今晚有什么节目?)
19、Water runs along thechannel to the fields.(水顺着渠道流进田地里。)
20、First, achannel, or path, is formed that connects the cloud and the ground.(首先,会形成一个通道或一条路径,将云层和地面连接起来。)
21、When the negatively and positively charged streams meet, a completechannel connecting the cloud and the ground is formed.(当带负电和带正电的粒子流相遇时,就会形成一条连接云层和地面的完整通道。)
22、In 1962, there was only one TVchannel in Sweden, and it broadcast in black and white.(1962年,瑞典当时只有一个电视频道,而且是以黑白色率播出节目。)
23、I am going to change thechannel.(我要换个频道。)
24、Science journalism is the mainchannel for the popularization of scientific information among the public.(科学新闻是向大众传播科学信息的主要渠道。)
25、Here the river is confined in a narrowchannel.(这条河在这里流入狭窄的河床。)
26、The programme's onchannel 4.(这个节目在4频道。)
27、Thechannel is only a few centimeters in diameter, but that is wide enough for electrons to follow thechannel to the ground in the visible form of a flash of lightning.(这个通道的直径只有几厘米,但它的宽度足以让电子以闪电这样看得到的形式随着通道到达地面。)
28、Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit moviechannel.(市场调查显示,93%的收视群体希望有一个热门电影频道。)