
更新时间:2025-03-23 12:02:58复制


    1、It certainly is. Do you likeseafood?(当然不一样,你喜欢海鲜吗?)

    2、Most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ateseafood that could include plastic from ocean pollution.(大多数志愿者说,他们用塑料瓶喝水,也吃海鲜,其中可能包含海洋污染带来的塑料。)

    3、That sounds wonderful. I loveseafood.(太好了,我喜欢吃海鲜。)

    4、Oyster is the onlyseafood I like; I dislike the rest.(牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味;其余的我都不喜欢。)

    5、You can thaw out theseafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as you can.(你可以在烹饪之前先将海鲜解冻,但是如果你这样做的话,一定要尽快地把它煮熟。)

    6、There are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but fish andseafood are a major part of the Mediterranean diet.(这个领域仍然存在很多无法回答的问题,但是鱼类和海鲜是地中海饮食的一个主要部分。)

    7、seafood lovers should make a pilgrimage to the fishing town of Sok Kwu Wan, which houses an abundance of terraced restaurants on stilts above the bay.(海鲜爱好者应该漫游到索罟湾的渔镇,那里有着很多台阶形的餐馆,好像是在海湾上踩高跷。)

    8、Leo: it's famous for itsseafood.(利奥:那里的海鲜非常有名。)

    9、Well cook dumplings withseafood for you.(我们煮海鲜水饺给你吃。)

    10、You can also find some charts listing fat and calorie content for different types ofseafood, meat and the other major food groups.(你还可以找到一些列有不同种类的海鲜、肉类和其他主食的脂肪和卡路里含量的图表。)

    11、Patient:seafood, roastduck.(病人:海鲜,烤鸭。)

    12、seafood is a regional speciality epitomized by Captain Anderson's Restaurant.(海鲜是个当地特色,安德森船长餐厅是其典型代表。)

    13、Theseafood here is a gourmet's delight.(这儿的海鲜是美食家的一大享受。)

    14、seafood is a speciality on the island.(海味是岛上的特产。)

    15、The fish orseafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.(鱼或海产品以厚厚的纯氯化钠盐腌制。)

    16、Avoid rawseafood and other raw foods.(避免生的海鲜和其它生的食物。)

    17、The common prescription is to primarily shop the grocery store, since that's where fresh produce, meat andseafood, and dairy are.(通常的做法主要是在杂货店进行购物,因为那里有新鲜的农产品、肉类、海鲜和奶制品。)

    18、Although the idea of eating insects is probably disgusting to most of us, few people would claim that pigs, chickens, and some kind ofseafood we often eat are examples of great beauty.(尽管吃昆虫的想法可能让我们大多数人感到恶心,但是很少有人会说我们经常吃的猪、鸡和一些海鲜就是美的典范。)

    19、Therefore, in the future, profit margins will be higher atseafood stores within the city than at suburbanseafood stores.(因此,在未来,城市海鲜店的利润率将比郊区海鲜店的利润率更高。)

    20、There's a lot ofseafood.(那里有很多海鲜。)

    21、You can also expect plenty of olive oil, mushrooms, andseafood like scallop, shrimps, squid, and mussels, paired with good Spanish wines.(你也可以期待大量的橄榄油、蘑菇和海鲜,如扇贝、虾、乌贼和蚌,搭配上好的西班牙葡萄酒。)

    22、First, the Gulf is full ofseafood.(首先,墨西哥湾到处都是海鲜。)

    23、Fish andseafood generally contain excessive amount of fat and cholesterol, with no fibre.(鱼类和海鲜,普遍含有过多的脂肪和胆固醇,不含纤维。)

    24、Our chef is from the coast and lovesseafood.(我们的主厨来自海边,喜欢海鲜。)

    25、How's yourseafood Anita?(安妮塔,你的海鲜怎么样?)

    26、One of the most popular events is a clambake with unlimited portions of clams, lobster, andseafood salad.(那种提供不限量蛤蜊、龙虾和凉拌海鲜的野餐是最受欢迎的活动之一。)

    27、In many places, like Japan, people get iodine fromseafood, seaweed, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil.(像日本等许多地方,人们通过食用海鲜、海藻得到碘,以及从生长在高碘土壤里的蔬菜中获取碘,或者从吃那种土壤中生长的草的动物中获取碘。)

    28、I likeseafood and white meat dishes and light Chinese food.(我喜欢海鲜、白肉和淡味中餐。)

    29、I pick rice and sweetcorn out from unidentifiedseafood as my boyfriend eyes his bowl uneasily.(我从不知名的海鲜中挑出米饭和甜玉米粒来吃,而我男友不知所措地看着他的饭碗。)



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