1、If plaque is not removed, it builds up and gets under thegum line.(如果牙菌斑不清除,它就会堆积并钻到牙龈下面。)
2、It mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package,gum elastic, heath, matter, food, timber, etc.(它主要适用于以下行业:滚剪,切粒,包装,松紧胶,健康,物质,食品,木材等。)
3、When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay andgum disease.(牙斑没有清除就会导致蛀牙和牙龈疾病。)
4、Plaque is always forming on the teeth, especially at thegum line.(牙菌斑总是在牙齿上形成,特别是在牙龈线上。)
5、Eucommia ulmoidesgum is a crystalline particle existing in the bark and leaf of Duzhong tree.(杜仲胶是杜仲树树皮和叶片中存在的一种结晶颗粒。)
6、He is always chewinggum.(他总是在嚼口香糖。) 【hao86.com好工具】
7、They are late, chewgum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.(他们迟到,嚼口香糖,和同桌说话,必须受到训斥,并被送到同样是高年级学生的班主任那里。)
8、She swallowed hergum.(她把口香糖给吞下去了。)
9、Sugarless yogurt could help beat bad breath, tooth decay andgum disease.(无糖酸奶有助于缓解口腔异味、蛀牙和牙龈疾病。)
10、Suppose you know that there is a type of chewinggum that will give you bad breath.(假设你知道有一种口香糖会让你有不好闻的口气。)
11、A new report suggests that chewinggum may be a health hazard.(一份新的报告指出,嚼口香糖可能给健康带来危害。)
12、One girl was chewinggum.(一个女孩在嚼口香糖。)
13、Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewinggum.(强迫学生在一张被涂鸦的、还粘着几代人丢弃的口香糖的桌子上学习几何知识,对于学生来说毫无益处。)
14、What I like is chewing-gum.(我喜欢的是口香糖。)
15、Chewinggum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.(曾经主要由青少年购买的口香糖,现在在广告中被用作饭后的口气清新剂和牙齿清洁剂。)
16、Like when you speak to people after chewing thisgum, people just don't want to talk to you.(好比在你嚼过这个口香糖后跟人们说话,大家都不想和你聊。)
17、The compotiers can be filled with colorful candies or silver-foiled chocolates orgum drops.(可以用五颜六色的糖果或镀银的巧克力或口香糖滴入馅料。)
18、I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke, covering her face withgum!(我还记得我表妹有一次吹了一个大泡泡,然后泡泡破了,口香糖把她的脸都遮住了!)
19、I do not chewgum in public.(我不在公共场合嚼口香糖。)
20、That schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewinggum, when the teacher espied her.(当老师看见那个女生时,她坐在座位上,脚伸到过道里,嘴里拼命地嚼着口香糖。)
21、You have agum inflammation.(你牙龈发炎了。)
22、The result is tooth decay andgum disease.(结果就是蛀牙和牙龈疾病。)
23、Someone told me there's another hostel calledgum Tree something.(有人告诉我那儿还有家招待所,叫“桉树”什么的。)
24、In addition to tooth decay, there are alsogum diseases to watch out for.(除了蛀牙,还有牙龈疾病需要引起注意。)
25、Yes, I have chewed bubblegum.(是的,我嚼过口香糖。)
26、Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and thegum.(牙菌斑的沉积物在牙齿和牙龈间形成。)
27、She was admonished for chewinggum in class.(她在课堂上嚼口香糖,受到了告诫。)
28、This paper researches the fermentation condition of gellangum production utilizing Sphingomonas paucimobilis.(这篇研究利用少动鞘脂单胞菌发酵生产结冷胶的发酵条件。)