1、"Let's face the realities ofautomatic essay scoring," the group's statement reads in part.(“让我们面对自动评分的现实。”该组织的声明中写道。)
2、The "learning" of the material is assumed to beautomatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music.(对材料的“学习”被认为是自动的、毫不费力的,在听音乐的时候就完成了。)
3、Anautomatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.(一个自动化气象站把风向信息输入电脑。)
4、There was no availableautomatic in that factory.(那家工厂没有可用的自动机械。)
5、Use a kettle with anautomatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.(使用一个有断流器的水壶,这样水开后它会自动断电。)
6、You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech-free zones by strategically schedulingautomatic airplane modes.(你也可以使用像Offtime或Unplugged这样的应用程序,通过有策略地安排自动飞行模式来创建无科技地带。)
7、The printer has anautomatic paper feed.(这台打印机有自动进纸装置。)
8、Theautomatic doors slid open.(自动门慢慢开了。)
9、They were dressed in camouflage and carriedautomatic rifles.(他们身着迷彩服,手持自动步枪。)
10、Breathing is anautomatic function of the body.(呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。)
11、Three gunmen withautomatic rifles opened fire.(3名手持自动步枪的歹徒开了火。)
12、Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creatingautomatic behaviors — habits — among consumers.(在过去的十年中,许多公司已经完善了在消费者中创造无意识行为(习惯)的艺术。) hao86.com
13、It is capable of ignoring or overriding theautomatic, metabolic system and produces an irregular pattern of breathing.(它能忽略或凌驾于自动的新陈代谢系统之上,并产生不规则的的呼吸模式。)
14、automatic control here should allow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents.(此处的自动控制应该允许平滑合并,没有通常的不确定性和事故的可能性。)
15、The change to the road traffic law will permit fullyautomatic driving.(道路交通法修改后将允许全自动驾驶。)
16、During sleep theautomatic metabolic system is less responsive to carbon dioxide levels and oxygen levels in the blood.(在睡眠期间,自动的新陈代谢系统对血液中二氧化碳和氧气的含量反应并不灵敏。)
17、He also believes they will be more likely to trust self-driving cars as they become more familiar with features such asautomatic braking or parking.(他还认为,随着人们越来越熟悉自动刹车或自动停车等功能,他们会越来越信任自动驾驶汽车。)
18、Modern trains haveautomatic doors.(现代火车都有自动门。)
19、Any form of cheating meansautomatic disqualification.(任何形式的作弊都意味着自动取消资格。)
20、Eddie slipped the safety catch on hisautomatic back into place.(艾迪把自动步枪的保险拉到了位。)
21、Declaring the wrong income by mistake will no longer lead to anautomatic fine.(由于失误申报收入不符的不再予以自动罚款。)
22、My camera has manual andautomatic functions.(我的照相机有手调和自动两种功能。)
23、They shot him at point blank range with anautomatic rifle.(他们用一支自动步枪在近距离射程内射中了他。)
24、She set the camera onautomatic.(她把照相机调到自动状态。)
25、In Singapore, every car is fitted with a digital transponder that triggersautomatic tollbooths as it passes.(在新加坡,每辆轿车上都装有一台在通过时自动触发过路收费亭的数字式异频雷达收发机。)
26、His car was raked with fire fromautomatic weapons.(他的汽车遭到了自动武器炮火的扫射。)
27、It would be nice if we all receivedautomatic pay increases equal to our merit, but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations.(如果我们所有人自动增加的薪酬与我们的业绩相等,那当然很好,但这个“好”并不是大多数组织都具备的品质。)
28、Most are also equipped withautomatic fire alarm systems.(大多数还配备了火灾自动报警系统。)
29、Still, 60% of drivers would like to get some kind of self-driving feature such asautomatic braking or self-parking the next time they buy a new car.(尽管如此,60%的司机希望在下次他们购买新车时能拥有自动刹车或自动泊车等自动驾驶功能。)
30、All of theautomatic body functions, even breathing, are affected.(所有无意识的身体功能,甚至呼吸,都受到影响。)