
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:07:42



  • 1、Parents should avoid criticizing children in public places for it mightinjure their pride.(父母应该避免在公众场合批评孩子,因为这可能会伤害他们的自尊。)
  • 2、A head blow caninjure or tear olfactory nerves.(头部撞击能够损伤或撕裂嗅神经。)
  • 3、Don't let a little disputeinjure a great relationship.(别让小小的争执伤害到深厚的关系。)
  • 4、At the same time you would be able toinjure others, if I gave you the means of defending yourself.(一旦我给了你自卫的武器,你就具有了伤害别人的能力。)
  • 5、Manipulation and retraction of the nerve roots which caninjure or damage the nerves.(操控神经根时,以及神经根的回缩可以损害神经。)
  • 6、You do not go out toinjure opponents.(你不会刻意去伤害对手。)
  • 7、People might also self-injure as a form of punishment.(人们也可能自虐作为一种惩罚。)
  • 8、Usury laws only make things worse, andinjure free and productive credit.(反高利贷法只会让事情更为恶化,还损害了自由和有益的贷款。)
  • 9、Gordon: I am strong enough to seriouslyinjure him, but that wouldn't solve anything.(戈登:我是够强壮把他弄得个重伤,但是这不解决什么问题。)
  • 10、Don't let a little disputeinjure a great friendship.(不要让小小的争执损伤一份伟大的友情。)
  • 11、This could seriouslyinjure the company's reputation.(这会严重损害公司的声誉。)
  • 12、Uncontrolled high blood pressure caninjure or kill you.(不受控制的高血压可伤害或置你于死地。)
  • 13、What does it matter, so that it does notinjure her happiness?(只要不影响她的幸福,又有什么关系呢?)
  • 14、Try not toinjure the roots of trees and plants.(请尽量不要伤害到树木和植物的根系。)
  • 15、These surges caninjure or even kill astronauts and fry electronic circuits.(这些冲击波可以伤害甚至杀死航天员,毁坏电子线路。)
  • 16、Are some people hard-wired to self-injure?(有些人天生的去自虐吗?)
  • 17、Flat screen TV's easily tip over and caninjure a child.(平板电视很容易发生翻转伤及儿童。)
  • 18、If you try to make any moves, you willinjure yourself and the airplane.(如果你试图做任何动作,你会伤害自己和这架飞机。)
  • 19、Take care when placing items, as when opened, they may fall out andinjure other passengers.(放置物品的时候请小心,打开的时候,东西可能会掉落导致其他乘客受伤。)
  • 20、If you try to make any moves you willinjure yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.(如果你试图做任何动作,你会伤害自己和这架飞机,只需保持安静。)
  • 21、Normally, your blood only forms clots if youinjure yourself, to stop the bleeding.(一般的,只有当你受伤的时候,你的血液才会形成凝结用以止血。)
  • 22、You're either going toinjure yourself, or get exhausted and give up.(那样会伤到自己,又疲惫不堪,很容易就放弃了。)
  • 23、You wouldn'tinjure me, Linton, would you?(你不会伤害我的,林惇,你会吗?)
  • 24、We have to understand that goodness must also be able toinjure — toinjure savagery.(我们必须明白,美德也有伤害的能力——它能伤害残忍。)



英 [ˈɪndʒə(r)] 美 [ˈɪndʒɚ] 
名词: injurer 过去式: injured 过去分词: injured 现在分词: injuring 第三人称单数: injures
