4、It also plans to offer "voluntary separation" packages to 165 senior executives.(它还计划向165名高管提供“自愿离职”待遇。)
5、I'd like to sign up for somevoluntary work with the environment council.(我想报名参加一些环境委员会的志愿工作。)
6、Most of the food for the homeless is provided byvoluntary organizations.(给无家可归者的大部分食物是由志愿组织提供的。)
7、The care was substantially provided byvoluntary services which worked together with local authorities as they long had with eligibility based on income.(这些关怀主要是由志愿服务机构提供的,这些机构长期与地方当局合作,根据收入来确定服务资格。)
8、He is still involved involuntary work promoting local enterprise.(他仍从事志愿工作推动当地创业。)
9、Employers did create maternity-leave programs in the 1970's and 1980's, but not as a purelyvoluntary response in the absence of any government mandate.(在20世纪70年代和80年代,雇主们的确设立了产假项目,但在没有任何政府强制的情况下,这并不是完全出于自愿的反应。)
10、voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.(鉴于妇女一结婚就常常被迫放弃有报酬工作的事实,义务工作尤其重要。)
11、She does somevoluntary work, caring for the elderly.(她干一些照顾老人的义务工作。)
12、State governments maintain that thevoluntary contribution of funds through state lotteries is preferable to increase state sales or income taxes.(各州政府坚持认为,通过销售彩票让居民自愿捐款以增加州内销售税或所得税的做法更可取。)
13、She is doing somevoluntary work at an after school program to help students from poor families.(她在一个课外项目中做一些志愿工作,帮助贫困家庭的学生。)
14、The issue ofvoluntary part-time relates to Obamacare because one of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outside of employment.(自愿兼职与奥巴马医改计划有关,因为该计划主要目的之一就是让人们不就业也能得到医疗保险。)
15、The charity is run on a purelyvoluntary basis.(这个慈善团体的工作人员完全是自愿性质的。)
16、voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking.(参与义务工作有助于奠定求职的基础。)
17、I do somevoluntary work at the local hospital.(我在当地医院从事一些义务性工作。)
18、Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and women is largely the result of individuals'skills, experience andvoluntary choices.(男性经济学家压倒性地认为,男女之间的工资差距在很大程度上是个人技能、经验和自愿选择所造成的结果。)
19、She works there on avoluntary basis.(她自愿在那里无偿工作。)
20、After retiring, she became involved involuntary service in the local community.(她在退休后投身于当地社区的志愿服务工作。)
21、The agency isvoluntary and not run for profit.(这个机构是义务性的,不是为了赢利。)
22、I will take part in avoluntary labor instead of just for fun.(我将参加志愿劳动,而不是仅仅为了玩。)
23、The revolutionaries laid down their arms and their leaders went intovoluntary exile.(这些革命者们放下了武器,他们的领袖们自愿流亡。)
24、A new Peabody study of the Tennesseevoluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works, but the gains are not sustained through the third grade.(皮博迪(Peabody)对田纳西州志愿学前教育项目(TennesseevolunteerPre-Kprogram)的一项新研究报告称,学前教育是有效的,但这种效果不会持续到三年级。) (hao86.com好工具)
25、The work of the charity is funded byvoluntary donations.(这家慈善机构工作所需资金是人们自愿捐赠的。)
26、He tookvoluntary redundancy.(他选择了自愿裁汰。)
27、We know the difference betweenvoluntary and involuntary part-time employment because people tell us.(我们从人们口中知道了自愿与非自愿兼职之间的区别。)
28、Mrs. White prefers to somevoluntary work in a local hospital, rather than do nothing all day long.(怀特太太宁愿在当地医院做一些志愿工作,也不愿整天无所事事。)
29、Somevoluntary organizations run workshops for disabled people.(一些志愿组织为残障人士开办讲习班。)