
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:06:33



  • 1、Sometimes in the bustle of news and product launches, we tend tooverlook some significant events that emerge from the net.(我们有时在新闻和产品发布的喧嚣声中,倾向于忽略一些网上出现的重要事件。)
  • 2、I hope he willoverlook it.(我希望他不会计较。)
  • 3、From there you canoverlook everything.(从那里你可以俯瞰一切。)
  • 4、And don'toverlook the tried and true.(不要忽视尝试和真相。) hAo86.com
  • 5、In just 360 hours, a 100-metre-tall tower called the T30 rises from an empty site tooverlook Hunan's Xiang River.(在短短360小时内,一座名为T30的100米高的塔从一片空地上拔地而起,俯瞰湖南湘江。)
  • 6、Pretty and comfortable roomsoverlook a flower-filled garden.(那些漂亮、舒适的房间俯瞰着一个花团锦簇的花园。)
  • 7、Will youoverlook it this once and forgive me, and let things go on as before?(你能不能原谅我这一次,让事情像以前一样继续下去?)
  • 8、Many employers, for example, willoverlook occasional inefficiencies from their secretary provided she has a pleasant personality.(例如,许多雇主会忽略他们的秘书偶尔的工作效率低下,只要她有令人愉快的个性。)
  • 9、Companies are so busy analysing the financial implications that theyoverlook the effect on workers.(公司太专注于分析其财务影响,而忽略了对工人的影响。)
  • 10、Who did weoverlook?(我们忽视了谁?)
  • 11、Don'toverlook maintenance on yourself, either.(也不要忽视对自己的维护。)
  • 12、Romantic castlesoverlook the river's twisting course.(一座座传奇式的城堡俯瞰着小河蜿蜒曲折的河道。)
  • 13、Weoverlook our own roles in shaping children's minds.(我们忽视了自己对塑造孩子心智方面的影响。)
  • 14、We could not afford tooverlook such a serious offence.(对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。)
  • 15、While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easilyoverlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors.(虽然大多数家长、教师和临床医生会对青少年吸毒或醉酒作出反应,但他们很容易忽视那些行为不起眼的青少年。)
  • 16、Don'toverlook current customers.(不要忽略现有的客户。)
  • 17、Houses whichoverlook the lake cost more.(俯瞰湖泊的房子要价高些。)
  • 18、It would be fatal for the nation tooverlook the urgency of the situation.(国家若忽视这一局势的紧迫性,后果将会非常严重。)
  • 19、Stress is invisible and easy tooverlook.(压力是看不见摸不着的,很容易就忽视了。)
  • 20、Weoverlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.(我们会忽视关于我们健康的各种警报信号。)
  • 21、Impersonal entities cannotoverlook and reward worshippers.(法人单位不能忽视也不能奖励信众。)
  • 22、Many peopleoverlook this.(许多人忽视了这一点。)
  • 23、I pulled off the road at a scenicoverlook.(在一个可以眺望优美风景的地方,我将车停在了路旁。)
  • 24、We should notoverlook the difficulties.(不应忽视困难。)
  • 25、Because we have five buildings, theoverlook below might be helpful.(因为我们有五座大楼,鸟瞰下面可能会有所帮助。)
  • 26、When theyoverlook the progress of the building, they generally come to speak of Heidi.(当他们查看建筑的进展时,他们通常会谈到海蒂。)
  • 27、On the fourth side, covered verandas supported by ornate pillarsoverlook the steps.(在第四面,有由华美的柱子支撑的走廊,站在上面可以俯瞰所有阶梯。)
  • 28、I beg youoverlook my rudeness.(我请求你宽恕我的失礼。)



英 [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈlʊk] 
过去式: overlooked 过去分词: overlooked 现在分词: overlooking 第三人称单数: overlooks

